
Surveying The Digital Future

The 2015 Digital Future Report includes findings on more than 180 issues in five major categories: Internet users and non-users, media use and trust, consumer behavior, communication patterns, and social effects. (Center for the Digital Future at USC Annenberg).


Museum of Feelings

The Museum of Feelings actually feels things. Its unique exterior reacts to social media and real-time data to reflect New York's ever-changing mood in vivid color.

“Delete” Does Not Mean Deleted

“Delete” Does Not Mean Deleted. 4 Steps to Protect Your Privacy (Kerry O'Shea Gorgone, B2C)

Ciberperiodismo portugués

Milton Cappelletti Júnior "¿La infografía cabe en los dispositivos móviles? Estudio de caso sobre el diseño responsivo de infografías en el diario Observador.pt" e Julio Costa Pinto "La influencia de la Web 2.0 en el ciberperiodismo portugués", Nuevos perfiles y audiencias para una democracia participativa. Actas del VII Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo y Web 2.0. Bilbao, 9 y 10 de Noviembre de 2015.


Google’s On Page Ranking Factors

Google’s On Page Ranking Factors: Are They Fact Or Myth? (SocialMediaToday). If you’re a website owner, one of your primary goals will be to optimize your site to ensure it ranks high on Google in order to increase organic traffic.


Data Science Machine

El ‘big data’ ya no necesita a los humanos (El País). Un software es capaz de realizar predicciones a partir de grandes volúmenes de datos digitales sin intervención humana y en una fracción del tiempo requerido por un analista.


Telegraph stories affected by EU 'right to be forgotten'

When the Court of Justice of the European Union decided in May 2014 that individuals have the right to ask search engines like Google to remove information deemed "inaccurate, inadequate, irrelevant or excessive" from their search results, many warned that it would open the floodgates to an era of mass censorship...Telegraph stories affected by EU 'right to be forgotten'


YouTube is the new children’s TV

Why YouTube is the new children’s TV... and why it matters (The Guardian). Kids are generating billions of video views on the online video service, but it’s raising some talking points for parents



Media use by tweens and teens

THE COMMON SENSE CENSUS: MEDIA USE BY TWEENS AND TEENS. Tweens and teens today place an enduring value on two media activities in particular: watching TV and listening to music. Whether downloaded, streamed, or watched or listened to “live,” or whether it comes through a transistor radio, a television set, a tablet, or a smartphone.


ICTs – The world in 2015

Over the past 15 years, ICTs have grown in an unprecedented way, providing huge opportunities for social and economic development. Today, there are more than 7 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide, up from 738 million in 2000. Globally, 3.2 billion people are using the Internet, of which two billion live in developing countries. ITU ICT Facts and Figures – The world in 2015 (pdf format)


SXSW online-harassment summit

SXSW owns up to 'mistake,' schedules harassment summit. The popular interactive festival will hold an all-day summit after backlash for canceling sessions on online harassment and the objectification of women in gaming.


Transmedia Storytelling

BAARSPUL, M.P. (2012). Where Transmedia Storytelling Goes Wrong: a preliminary
exploration of the issues with transmedia storytelling. Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht university. http://goo.gl/fQaoy3

EDWARDS, L. (2012). “Transmedia Storytelling, Corporate Synergy, and Audience Expression”. Global Media Journal Volume 12, Issue 20. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

FREITAS, C. y CASTRO, C. (2010). «Narrativas audiovisuales y tecnologías interactivas». Revista Estudios Culturales, 3(5), (19¬42). Consultado el 11 de julio de 2013, http://servicio.bc.uc.edu.ve/multidisciplinarias/estudios_culturales/num5/art1.pdf.

GAMBARATO, R. (2012). “Signs, Systems and Complexity of Transmedia Storytelling”. Estudos em Comunicação nº 12, p. 69-83, Dezembro de 2012. http://www.ec.ubi.pt/ec/12/pdf/EC12-2012Dez-4.pdf

MOLONEY, K. (2011). Porting transmedia storytelling to journalism. Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Denver (Thesis - Master of Arts). http://goo.gl/lMOn3Y

RODRÍGUEZ-FERRÁNDIZ, R. y TUR-VIÑES, V. (2015). Narraciones sin fronteras. Transmedia storytelling en la ficción, la información, el documental y el activismo social y político. CAC nº 81. http://www.cuadernosartesanos.org/2015/cac81.pdf

RODRÍGUEZ FIDALGO, M. I. y GALLEGO SANTOS, C. (2012). «Las webs de series de ficción como nuevas experiencias narrativas en el contexto hipermediático. Estudio de caso de la serie El Barco: el twittersodio». En B. León (coord.), La televisión ante el desafío de internet (pp. 110¬121). Salamanca: Comunicación Social, Ediciones y Publicaciones. Colección Periodística, 53.

RODRÍGUEZ FIDALGO, M. I. y MOLPERECES ARNÁIZ, S. (2014). “The Inside Experience y la construcción de la narrativa transmedia. Un análisis comunicativo y teórico¬literário”. CIC Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación 2014, vol. 19, p. 315-330. http://dx.doi.org/10.5209/rev_CIYC.2014.v19.43918

RODRÍGUEZ FIDALGO, M. I. y MOLPERECES ARNÁIZ, S. (2014). Los nuevos documentales multimedia interactivos: construcción discursiva de la realidad orientada al receptor activo. Historia y comunicación social, ISSN 1137-0734, Vol. 18, Nº Extra 3 (Diciembre), 2013, págs. 249-262. http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=4675852

SCOLARI, C. (2009). "Transmedia Storytelling: Implicit Consumers, Narrative Worlds, and Branding”. International Journal of Communication 3 (2009), 586-606. http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/%20viewFile/477/336

Portugal Ventures

Portugal Ventures - 13ª Call For Entrepreneurship. Projetos nas áreas das Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação, Eletrónica & WEB, Ciências da Vida, Turismo e Recursos Endógenos, Nanotecnologia e Materiais são elegíveis para investimento. Até 12 de Novembro.


NOVA Doctoral School

Novos cursos na NOVA Doctoral School: Research Data Management, Project Management, Intellectual Property, Communicating Science Visually, Information Literacy, Design Thinking, Social Media for Scientists, Science Communication.


FuturPlaces 2015

FuturPlaces_Medialab for citizenship. A multitude of workshops, projects, talks, creative events and think-tanks has woven itself onto a wide network of simultaneously local and international resonance. An initiative of the UTAustin-Portugal Program in Digital Media.


Analyzing Social Media with Digital Methods

Conference: Analyzing Social Media with Digital Methods: Possibilities, Requirements, and Limitations (Prof. Bernhard Rieder). FCSH/NOVA, 21 de Outubro, 18h-20h, Auditório 3.

Esta conferência apresentará uma perspectiva geral do actual «state of the art» da pesquisa orientada por dados às plataformas de «social media» e às práticas comunicativas que estas potenciam. Tomando o Facebook, o Twitter, e o YouTube como exemplos, será demonstrado de que forma a análise destas plataformas confere possibilidades relevantes para pesquisa em ciências sociais, ao mesmo tempo que apresenta um conjunto considerável de desafios que exigem particulares cuidados metodológicos e uma sensibilidade interdisciplinar.

Bernhard Rieder é Professor Associado de New Media and Digital Culture no departamento de Media Studies da Universidade de Amesterdão, e
investigador da Digital Methods Initiative. O seu trabalho concentra-se na teoria e história do software e no desenvolvimento, aplicação e crítica dos métodos digitais para a pesquisa na Internet.


Social media and mobilisation in Portugal

ACCORNERO, G. e PINTO, P. R. (2014). “ ‘Mild Mannered’? Protest and Mobilisation in Portugal in Times of Crisis”. West European Politics. Volume 38, Issue 3, 2015, pages 491-515.

ALVES, T. C. (2013). “Média, movimentos sociais e democracia participativa: As
mensagens políticas nos cartazes da manifestação de 15 de setembro de 2012”. Estudos em Comunicação, nº 14, p. 123 -136.

BAUMGARTEN, B. (2013). “Geração à Rasca and beyond: Mobilizations in Portugal
after 12 March 2011”. Current Sociology 61(4) p. 457–473.

DIAS, P.; ANDRADE, J.G. (2014). "The Articulation of Massmedia and Social Media: Exploring civic movements in Portugal". Redes.com - Revista de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social de la Comunicación, n.º 8/2014. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla.

MOTA, J. C., e SANTINHA, G. (2012). Social media and civic engagement: Discussing the case of Aveiro, Portugal. Retrived from http://epracticejournal.edu

Obras gerais

AAVV (2011) Social Media Revolutions. All Hype or New Reality? Princeton: Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination. http://dataspace.princeton.edu/jspui/bitstream/88435/dsp019p290937c/1/socialmedia_2011.pdf

CASTELLS, M (2012). Redes de indignación y esperanza. Los movimientos sociales en la era de Internet. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. https://pt.scribd.com/doc/118369362/Castells-2012-Redes-de-indignacion-y-esperanza

RECUERO, Raquel (2009). Redes Sociais na Internet. Porto Alegre: Ed. Meridional. http://www.raquelrecuero.com/livros/redes_sociais_na_internet.pdf


Digital News Report 2015

The Reuters Institute Digital Report - Digital News Report 2015. Edited by: Nic Newman, David A. L. Levy and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen

Does Open Data Need Journalism?

Jonathan Stoneman (2015) "Does Open Data Need Journalism?" (Working Paper). The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

Public Consultations on OTT and IoT

BEREC Public Consultations: draft Report on OTT services and draft Report on Enabling the Internet of Things.

Public consultation on the regulatory environment for platforms, online intermediaries, data and cloud computing and the collaborative economy

The consultation on platforms covers: the social and economic role of online platforms; transparency e.g. in search results; terms of use; ratings and reviews; the use of information by platforms; the relation between platforms and their suppliers; the conditions of switching between comparable services offered by platforms; the role of online intermediaries including ways to tackle illegal content on the Internet.This consultation also collects views on initiatives on data, the free flow of data initiative, a European Cloud initiative and the collaborative economy.


Digital ID

Peter Nagy e Bernadett Koles (2014), The digital transformation of human identity: Towards a conceptual model of virtual identity in virtual worlds, Convergence - The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 20 (3): 276-292

Julia Knight and Alexis Weedon (2014), Identity and social media, Convergence 2014 20: 257.

Clare Sullivan (2011) Digital Identity: an emergent legal Concept. The role and legal nature of digital identity in commercial transactionsThe University of Adelaide.

Lisa J. Orchard and Chris Fullwood (2010) Current Perspectives on Personality and Internet Use. Social Science Computer Review 2010 28: 155

Thomas J. Holt (2010), Examining the Role of Technology in the Formation of Deviant Subcultures. Social Science Computer Review 2010 28: 466

Natasha Whiteman (2009), The De/Stabilization of Identity in Online Fan Communities. Convergence 2009; 15; 391-410.

Fred Dervin e Tanja Riikonen (2009) ‘Whatever I am, wherever I am, how does it matter?... why does it matter?’ egocasting in-between identities.

Fred Dervis e Yasmine Abbas (2009) Digital technologies of the self -Introduction.  http://www.cambridgescholars.com/download/sample/58537

Linda Duits and Pauline van Romondt Vis (2009) Girls make sense : Girls, celebrities and identities. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2009 12: 41.

David Buckingham (2008) (Ed.) Youth, Identity, and Digital Media. The MIT Press, 

David Buckingham (2008) «Introducing Identity». The MIT Press.

Patti M. Valkenburg (2008), Adolescents' Identity Experiments on the Internet Consequences for Social Competence and Self-Concept Unity. Communication Research, Vol. 35, No. 2, 208-231.

Mark Deuze et altri (2007) The Professional Identity of Gameworkers, Convergence 2007; 13; 335

Helen Kennedy (2006), Beyond anonymity, or future directions for internet identity. New Media & Society December 2006 vol. 8 no. 6 859-876. https://www.academia.edu/1994445/Beyond_anonymity_or_future_directions_for_internet_identity_research

Woo, Jisuk (2006) The right not to be identified: privacy and anonymity in the interactive media environment. new media & society, Vol 8(6):949–967

Ian M. Clothier (2005), Created Identities: Hybrid Cultures and the Internet. Convergence 2005; 11; 44


Minna Aslama (2009), «Participation as Position and Practice: Rethinking Media Diversity and Policy in the Web 2.0 Era», The Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, Fordham University, NY, 19 p.

Philip M. Napoli (2008), «Diversity as an Emerging Principle of Internet Governance», The Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, Fordham University, NY, 34 p.

Tarlach McGonagle (2008) The Promotion of Cultural Diversity via New Media Technologies: An Introduction to the Challenges of Operationalisation. http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus6_2008.pdf.en

Tim Gardam (2008), “The Purpose of Plurality”, in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf

James Curran (2008), “Media Diversity and Democracy”, in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf

Petros Iosifidis (2008), "Plurality of Public Service Provision: A European Dimension". in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf


O desafio da autenticidade na era da globalização

Conferência de Pedro Brieger, vencedor do Prémio de jornalismo Hrant Dink, na FCSH/NOVA, 24 de setembro, 10h30, Auditório 1, Torre B. A maioria da informação que hoje circula no mundo, e especificamente na América Latina e no Caribe, é gerada por um conjunto restrito de agências europeias e norte-americanas. Os mais influentes órgãos de comunicação social cobrem frequentemente a atualidade internacional com base no fluxo de notícias das agências EFE, DPA, AFP, Reuters ou ANSA. Uma das questões centrais na era da Globalização é perceber se essa realidade informativa pode ser transformada pela difusão de conteúdos produzidos regionalmente que reflitam a idiossincrasia dos respetivos povos. Mais info


Going Local Portugal 2015

Going Local Portugal 2015 é dedicado à Estratégia Digital Single Market, e terá lugar no dia 18 de setembro na Representação da Comissão Europeia, em Lisboa. Iniciativa coorganizada pela FCT, IP e pela Comissão Europeia, faz parte de um exercício de debate a nível europeu que ocorre em todos os Estados Membros da União Europeia e visa identificar sinergias entre a agenda política europeia e as prioridades nacionais na área das políticas públicas da Sociedade da Informação, através de um debate junto dos stakeholders nacionais, governos, as comunidades técnica e académica, o setor privado e a sociedade civil. Programa

Digital Literacy: Policies, Research and Good Practices (CfP)

The conference (10th December 2015 –University of Padua) will address the issue of digital literacy by focussing on three main areas: (1) Policies that promote the development of these skills; (2) Research on the necessary skills for efficiently engaging in digital environments in an informed manner; (3) Experiences and best practices related to the teaching and strengthening of the skills needed for the critical use of digital resources. Call for Papers


II Congress on Net-Activism (call for papers)

The contemporary ecological cultures, sustainability practices, and digital activism movements that, through ways of non-institutional conflictuality carried out by interactions with social networks, marked the continuing protests at all latitudes, are the expression of a new type of social action no longer directed to the external, and not only stems from a practice caused by an informative and technical conditioning. The II International Congress on Net-Activism aims to discuss this new kind of inter-action and conflict, indicating by “net-activism” the set of collaborative actions that result from the synergy between actors that are not only humans, but also of different natures. Call for papers


Los nuevos ‘inquisidores’ acechan en la red

Los nuevos ‘inquisidores’ acechan en la red (Javier Salas, El País). La humillación pública se ha convertido en un deporte de masas gracias a las redes sociales. Un salvaje ciclo de linchamiento y lucro desliza hasta el infierno a víctimas anónimas en cuestión de minutos, pero las consecuencias dejarán marcas para siempre en internet.

¿Son morales las series de televisión?

¿Son morales las series de televisión? (Jorge Carrión, El País). La lucha por la audiencia ha hecho proliferar personajes temibles y tramas pesimistas. La democracia y la justicia ya no son prioridad.


Television access services report 2014

Under the 2003 Communications Act, certain television broadcasters licensed by Ofcom are required to provide a proportion of their programming with access services (subtitling, signing and audio description). This statement reports on the level of provision achieved by these channels in 2014. Television access services report 2014.


Is privacy more vital than national security?

In the wake of the attacks in Paris, how far should governments go to get the balance between national security and personal privacy right? Member of the British House of Lords and internet guru Martha LaneFox goes head to head with retired Major General Tim Cross

Media multitasking

Media multitasking is undertaken by almost every UK adult. Almost every adult (99%) in the Digital Day study recorded carrying out two or more media activities at the same time (simultaneous) at some point during the week. This simultaneous activity amounted to an average time of 2 hours 3 minutes per day.


Get Online Week

Get Online Week - a capacitar uma Europa Digital. Para aderir à campanha Get Online Week e ser considerado um parceiro deverá preencher online Formulário da Campanha.


Digital Economy and Society Index

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is a composite index that summarises some 30 relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU Member States, across five main dimensions: Connectivity, Human Capital, Use of Internet, Integration of Digital Technology, Digital Public Services.


BBC Market Impact Assessment

Ofcom has today published details for its Market Impact Assessment (MIA) of proposed changes to BBC Three, BBC iPlayer, BBC One and CBBC. The proposed changes include:
• the closure of BBC Three as a broadcast channel in the autumn of 2015;
• its reinvention as an online-only offer;
• the evolution of BBC iPlayer from primarily a catch-up service to one that also offers online-first BBC content, and selected third-party content;
• the launch of a ‘+1’ channel for BBC One;
• extended hours for CBBC; and
• increased investment in drama on BBC One.
The BBC Trust is undertaking a Public Value Test (PVT) of the proposals. As part of the PVT, Ofcom will carry out a Market Impact Assessment to examine the likely impact of the BBC’s service proposals on similar and related products and services.

E-book: Redes Sociais para Cientistas

O livro Redes Sociais para Cientistas surgiu na sequência do curso com o mesmo nome que os autores desenvolveram para a NOVA Escola Doutoral. Este livro destina-se especialmente a estudantes, investigadores e professores interessados em divulgar ciência nas redes sociais. Como citar este livro: Sanchez, Ana; Granado, António; e Lobo Antunes, Joana (2014). Redes Sociais para Cientistas. Lisboa: Nova Escola Doutoral – Reitoria da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. ISBN: 978-989-20-5419-3.


Dader Garcia em Lisboa

Dader Garcia, catedrático de Jornalismo na Universidade Complutense de Madrid dá um conjunto de conferências sobre «Ciberpolítica, ciberdemocracia e campanhas eleitorais online», de 19 a 23 de janeiro, das 18h30 às 22h00 na UAL: Os conceitos de ciberpolítica e ciberdemocracia na sociedade da informação; A exploração intensiva das cibercampanhas: Obama I (2007-2008); A exploração intensiva das cibercampanhas: Obama II (2011-2012); Projectos cívicos para uma ciberdemocracia: a resistência contra a democracia mediática; Governo aberto e acções de e-democracia institucional. A entrada é livre. UAL - Palácio dos Condes do Redondo (Rua de Santa Marta nº 56, Lisboa).

Congreso de Videojogos

I Congreso Internacional de Arte, Diseño y Desarrollo de Videojuegos en la Industria Creativa - 7 de mayo de 2015 en Madrid. http://congresovideojuegos.esne.es/. Podréis enviar vuestros resúmenes de participación hasta el día 1 de Marzo de 2015.


Portugal: consumo da Net passa TV

Cada português consome 4,2 horas por dia na internet e 3,1 horas com a televisão. A internet torna-se assim o meio de comunicação social mais utilizado pelos portugueses. O estudo realizado pela Nova Expressão: “Um dia das nossas vidas na internet”.


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Media/Digital academic vacancies

Bournemouth University - Faculty of Media and Communication - Media/Digital current academic vacancies in the faculty. http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/jobs/vacancies/academic/schools/media-communication.html