
BBC Market Impact Assessment

Ofcom has today published details for its Market Impact Assessment (MIA) of proposed changes to BBC Three, BBC iPlayer, BBC One and CBBC. The proposed changes include:
• the closure of BBC Three as a broadcast channel in the autumn of 2015;
• its reinvention as an online-only offer;
• the evolution of BBC iPlayer from primarily a catch-up service to one that also offers online-first BBC content, and selected third-party content;
• the launch of a ‘+1’ channel for BBC One;
• extended hours for CBBC; and
• increased investment in drama on BBC One.
The BBC Trust is undertaking a Public Value Test (PVT) of the proposals. As part of the PVT, Ofcom will carry out a Market Impact Assessment to examine the likely impact of the BBC’s service proposals on similar and related products and services.