
Digital ID

Peter Nagy e Bernadett Koles (2014), The digital transformation of human identity: Towards a conceptual model of virtual identity in virtual worlds, Convergence - The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 20 (3): 276-292

Julia Knight and Alexis Weedon (2014), Identity and social media, Convergence 2014 20: 257.

Clare Sullivan (2011) Digital Identity: an emergent legal Concept. The role and legal nature of digital identity in commercial transactionsThe University of Adelaide.

Lisa J. Orchard and Chris Fullwood (2010) Current Perspectives on Personality and Internet Use. Social Science Computer Review 2010 28: 155

Thomas J. Holt (2010), Examining the Role of Technology in the Formation of Deviant Subcultures. Social Science Computer Review 2010 28: 466

Natasha Whiteman (2009), The De/Stabilization of Identity in Online Fan Communities. Convergence 2009; 15; 391-410.

Fred Dervin e Tanja Riikonen (2009) ‘Whatever I am, wherever I am, how does it matter?... why does it matter?’ egocasting in-between identities.

Fred Dervis e Yasmine Abbas (2009) Digital technologies of the self -Introduction.  http://www.cambridgescholars.com/download/sample/58537

Linda Duits and Pauline van Romondt Vis (2009) Girls make sense : Girls, celebrities and identities. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2009 12: 41.

David Buckingham (2008) (Ed.) Youth, Identity, and Digital Media. The MIT Press, 

David Buckingham (2008) «Introducing Identity». The MIT Press.

Patti M. Valkenburg (2008), Adolescents' Identity Experiments on the Internet Consequences for Social Competence and Self-Concept Unity. Communication Research, Vol. 35, No. 2, 208-231.

Mark Deuze et altri (2007) The Professional Identity of Gameworkers, Convergence 2007; 13; 335

Helen Kennedy (2006), Beyond anonymity, or future directions for internet identity. New Media & Society December 2006 vol. 8 no. 6 859-876. https://www.academia.edu/1994445/Beyond_anonymity_or_future_directions_for_internet_identity_research

Woo, Jisuk (2006) The right not to be identified: privacy and anonymity in the interactive media environment. new media & society, Vol 8(6):949–967

Ian M. Clothier (2005), Created Identities: Hybrid Cultures and the Internet. Convergence 2005; 11; 44


Minna Aslama (2009), «Participation as Position and Practice: Rethinking Media Diversity and Policy in the Web 2.0 Era», The Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, Fordham University, NY, 19 p.

Philip M. Napoli (2008), «Diversity as an Emerging Principle of Internet Governance», The Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, Fordham University, NY, 34 p.

Tarlach McGonagle (2008) The Promotion of Cultural Diversity via New Media Technologies: An Introduction to the Challenges of Operationalisation. http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus6_2008.pdf.en

Tim Gardam (2008), “The Purpose of Plurality”, in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf

James Curran (2008), “Media Diversity and Democracy”, in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf

Petros Iosifidis (2008), "Plurality of Public Service Provision: A European Dimension". in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf