
beActive on the road

Quatro portugueses vão fazer-se à "Estrada da Revolução", o novo projecto da produtora beActive que pretende contar histórias dos locais onde aconteceu a "Primavera Árabe". Através de videoblogs e, posteriormente, um documentário, os jornalistas dão inicio à viagem no dia 14 de Janeiro.


Internet Research

Call for Papers. Internet Research 13.0: Technologies. The 13th Annual International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR).


El Consejo de la UE defiende la Neutralidad de Internet

El Consejo de la Unión Europea, donde están representados los 27 estados miembros, ha publicado sus  conclusiones (en un documento en inglés)  sobre el principio de Neutralidad en la Red. Lo defiende, pero no apoya medidas concretas para hacerlo. Considera la Neutralidad en la Red como un "objetivo general" de la política europea e invita a favorecer una plataforma de Internet abierta que no permita la exclusión de pequeños actores o de modelos innovadores.

YouTube for Schools

YouTube for Schools gives you access to the hundreds of thousands of educational videos on YouTube EDU. This includes short lessons from top teachers around the world, full courses from the world’s best universities,professional development from fellow educators, and inspiring videos from thought leaders.


Journey to Seven Light Bay

Journey to Seven Light Bay represents the most recent installment in the work of Mariko Mori, whose interest centers on pushing the boundaries of art and technology. This digital project transports AMDM visitors to the tranquil Miyako Island in Okinawa, Japan, where Mori has installed the first part of her monumental earth work, Primal Rhythm, consisting of a sun pillar and a moonstone that changes color in accordance with the bay’s tidal movements. The first phase of Primal Rhythm, produced by Mariko Mori’s Faou Foundation, will open in Japan on the winter solstice, December 22, upon completion of Sun Pillar.

The Third Report

With so many media outlets abandoning the principals of journalism in favor of promoting an agenda, the Third Report aims to restore the journalistic tradition of the Third Man by giving a voice to citizen journalists everywhere. It's time to trust your news again. Become a Third Man today.


Facebook hackathon

Facebook acerca el Congreso de EE UU a los ciudadanos. El 'hackaton' de la red social reúne a 250 personas.- Entre las ideas, perfiles cívicos de participación en la vida política y leyes que tuitean su propio estado.


Memoria digital

Un ejemplo de la importancia de poder recurrir a la historia de los mensajes en Twitter es la investigación realizada por la universidad de Manchester y que publica The Guardian sobre el papel de la red social en los disturbios ocurridos en Reino Unido el pasado verano. Las autoridades culparon a las redes sociales y a la mensajería de BlackBerry de ser un instrumento para la difusión de rumores que agitaban a los manifestantes. El estudio demuestra que Twitter propaga con facilidad rumores, pero de la misma manera los desmiente. La investigación sobre más de dos millones y medio de tuits concluye que la red social no jugó un papel central en la difusión de rumores y, por el contrario, fue una importante ayuda en el proceso de recuperar la normalidad. Twitter, nueva fuente para los historiadores.

Facebook Statistics

By Country. Portugal: Currently, there are 4081460 Facebook users.


Diálogos Brasil_Portugal

Seminário "Políticas e Estratégias do Audiovisual - A Migração para o Digital" [Diálogos Brasil_Portugal]: FCSH, 14 de Dezembro, 18h00, Sala Multiusos 3, piso 4 ID


Itania Maria Mota Gomes (Universidade Federal da Bahia): Tendências do telejornalismo brasileiro no início do século XXI. Telejornalismo popular e infotainment 

João Freire Filho (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro): Existir aos olhos dos outros: reality shows, as “aventuras autênticas” de indivíduos em busca de reconhecimento

Veneza Ronsini (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria): Investigando a Recepção na Internet

Moderador: F. Rui Cádima

Departamento de Ciências da Comunicação da FCSH
CIMJ - Centro de Investigação Media e Jornalismo

Social Media Metrics

2012 Trends: Social Media Metrics Take Center Stage


Social Media ROI

A Primer on Social Media Attribution and ROI. In order for your social media marketing programs to really get the attention and resources they deserve, you need to prove you’re creating bottom line results. You need to calculate your Social Media ROI.


Teses de Mestrado em Novos Media

Rita Maria Barracha da Silva: "Estruturas, estratégias e propósitos de um design inovador". FCSH, 5.12.2011, 14h00, Sala T1 (Torre B, Piso 2)

Laura Araújo Cortes: "O processo de concepção de recursos educativos multimédia – problemas e abordagens encontradas". FCSH, 7.12.20011, 16h00, Sala T1 (Torre B, Piso 2)


Bolsa de Jornalismo

Encontram-se abertas até ao próximo dia 15 de Dezembro as inscrições para a Bolsa Nieman Journalism Fellowship. Promovida pela Fundação Luso-Americana, pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e pela Nieman Foundation, em Harvard, esta Bolsa de Estudo que permite a frequência de um ano académico na Universidade de Harvard, nos Estados Unidos, destina-se apenas a jornalistas portugueses com um mínimo de 5 anos de experiência profissional. O processo de candidatura deverá ser submetido online, através do site da Nieman Foundation disponível em www.nieman.harvard.edu


Deep Web

Conferência: Televisão 2.0

No âmbito do Ciclo de Conferências "Digital Media" do Departamento de Ciências da Comunicação (FCSH-UNL), Ricardo Tomé (UCP e RTP) dará uma conferência na FCSH subordinada ao título "Televisão 2.0". Dia 29 de Novembro, às 16 horas (Sala Multiusos 1, Edifício ID). Ricardo Tomé é coordenador da área de Conteúdos para a Web da RTP, para as marcas e programas de TV, Rádio e Informação. Diplomado pela New Media Technology College de Dublin em “Interactive Television & New Media”, licenciado em Publicidade & Marketing pela Escola Superior de Comunicação Social. É membro do grupo europeu de Novos Media (EBU-Y) e professor da cadeira de Redes Sociais e Vendas do Programa de Gestão de Vendas da Universidade Católica.

Conferência: Net Neutrality

A ISOC Portugal, Portugal Chapter e a APDSI vão organizar um evento destinado a discutir o tema "Net Neutrality - Neutralidade da Internet: Problemática, estado da arte em Portugal". O encontro realiza-se no próximo dia 30 de Novembro, entre as 9h30 e as 18h00, no Hotel Villa Rica, em Lisboa. O objectivo é envolver a sociedade civil, as empresas e os agentes políticos. Frederic Donck, Director do European Regional Bureau da Internet Society, é um dos oradores.

Google TV

Os primeiros passos da Google na TV

Google's Fledgling Television Career



Bareme Internet 2011

Um dia nas nossas vidas (Estudo Nova Expressão 2011): Avaliar o comportamento da população portuguesa utilizadora da internet (59% do total da população com +15 anos, Marktest 2011) em relação aos seus hábitos de utilização de meios e suportes/plataformas de comunicação.


Conferência de Scott deLahunta: Choreography and Cognition

Conferência de Scott deLahunta (Coventry University): "Choreography and Cognition: applying insights from science to dance creation".

FCSH-UNL, Auditório 1, 28 Novembro, segunda-feira, 18H00

For over a decade London-based choreographer Wayne McGregor and Scott deLahunta have been researching new understandings of choreographic practice through an interdisciplinary collaboration with specialists in the field of cognitive science. This research fuelled the creation of original choreographies by McGregor and has generated new tools and methods informed by science for enhancing creativity in dance. Scott deLahunta will outline some of this research with a focus on the development of Choreographic Thinking Tools that draws on a macro-theory titled Interacting Cognitive Subsystems developed by Dr. Phil Barnard (formerly of the Cognition and Brain Studies Unit, Medical Research Council, Cambridge), also a long-time collaborator on the project. http://www.randomdance.org/r_research

BIO: Scott deLahunta has worked as a writer, researcher and organiser on a range of international projects bringing performing arts with a focus on choreography into conjunction with other disciplines and practices. He has taught for various education institutions in the past including the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam (1994-2006) based at the Amsterdam School of the Arts, where he also co-developed the Amsterdam Masters in Choreography program. From 2006-2010, he was Research Fellow with the Art Theory and Research and Art Practice and Development Research Group, Amsterdam School for the Arts, where he worked closely with the dance company Emio Greco | PC. Scott is currently Senior Research Fellow Coventry University/ R-Research Director, Wayne McGregor|Random Dance and Program Leader Motion Bank/ The Forsythe Company. http://www.sdela.dds.nl/

Organização do Centro de Linguí¬stica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, e em colaboração com o Programa Doutoral em Digital Media (Programa UT Austin | PT),

Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research

"Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research" is the title of an international workshop to be held at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, on 18 and 19 November, 2011.


Flow TV

Flow TV Television in the age of media convergence. Edited by Michael Kackman et altri. (Routledge, 2011). From viral videos on YouTube to mobile television on cell phones and beyond, Flow TV examines television in an age of technological, economic, and cultural convergence. Seeking to frame a new set of concerns for television studies in the 21st century, this collection of all new essays establishes television’s continued importance in a shifting media culture. The collection examines television through a range of critical approaches from formal and industrial analysis to critical technology studies, reception studies, political economy, and critiques of television’s transnational flows. This volume stems from the popular online journal Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture (www.flowtv.org)

The future of Television

Abigail De Kosnik (2010). Piracy Is The Future Of Television - Convergence Culture Consortium convergenceculture.org/research/c3-piracy_future_television-full.pdf

Amanda D. Lotz (2009). What Is U.S. Television Now? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 625: 49-59

Cádima, F. Rui (2010). A Televisão Pública face aos Novos Ambientes Web. http://campus.usal.es/~comunicacion3punto0/comunicaciones/056.pdf

Christian M. Bron (2010). Financing and supervision of public service broadcasting. European legislation and current national developments concerning fi nancial and content-related supervision. http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus4LA_2010.pdf.en

Elihu Katz (2009). The End of Television? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 625: 6-18

Gunn Sara Enli (2008). Redefining Public Service Broadcasting
Multi-Platform Participation. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Vol 14(1): 105–120

Jorge Ferraz de Abreu e Telmo Silva (2010). Video publication to different mobile devices. http://campus.usal.es/~comunicacion3punto0/comunicaciones/083.pdf

Marissa Gluck e Maritxell Sales (2008). The Future of Television - Advertising, Technology and pursuit of audiences. http://learcenter.org/pdf/FutureofTV.pdf

Mary Debrett (2009). Riding the wave: public service television in the multi-platform era. Media Culture Society 2009; 31; 807

Minna Aslama (2008). "POLICIES OF INERTIA OR INNOVATION? EUROPEAN PUBLIC SERVICE IN TRANSITION FROM PSB TO PSM". McGannon Center Working Paper Series. Paper 23. http://fordham.bepress.com/mcgannon_working_papers/23

Public Service Content in Digital Britain (2009). Digital Britain - Final Report.

Pyungho Kim (2009). Internet Protocol TV in Perspective A Matrix of Continuity and Innovation.  Television & New Media. Volume 10 Number 6, 536-545

Scott Puopolo el altri (2011). The Future of Television: Sweeping Change at Breakneck Speed. Cisco IBSG Service Provider Practice. http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac79/docs/sp/10_Reasons_Future_of_TV_IBSG.pdf

Shani Orgad (2009). Mobile TV. Old and New in the Construction of an Emergent Technology. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies Vol 15(2): 197–214

Silvia García Mirón (2010). Televisión y redes sociales: presencia de la estrategia 3.0 de Antena 3 en Facebook. http://campus.usal.es/~comunicacion3punto0/comunicaciones/077.pdf

Wolfgang Schulz (2009). The Legal Framework for Public Service Broadcasting after the German State Aid Case: Procrustean Bed or Hammock?[2009] 2 Journal of Media Law 219–241


Textos (Internet/Politics)

BONDEBJERG, Ib (2007), Power and personality: politicians on the World Wide Web, Northern Lights, Volume 5, pp. 119-140. http://www.atypon-link.com/INT/doi/pdf/10.1386/nl.5.1.119_1

CHADWICK, Andrew (2009) «Web 2.0: New Challenges for the Study of E-Democracy in an Era of Informational Exuberance», I/S: Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 5 (1), pp. 9-41. http://www.rhul.ac.uk/politics-and-ir/about-us/Chadwick/Pdf/Chadwick_Web_2.0_New_Challenges_for_the_Study_of_E-Democracy_I-S_2009.pdf

CHADWICK, Andrew e ANSTEAD, Nick (2008), «Parties, election campaigning, and the Internet. Toward a comparative institutional approach», The Handbook of Internet Politics (Routledge). Chadwick, A. and Howard, P. N. (eds) , pp. 323-336, pp. 56-71. http://www.rhul.ac.uk/politics-and-ir/about-us/Chadwick/Pdf/Nick_Anstead_Andrew_Chadwick_Parties_Election_Campaigning_and_Internet.pdf

DEIBERT, Ronald J. (2008), «The geopolitics of internet control. Censorship, sovereignty, and cyberspace», The Handbook of Internet Politics (Routledge). Chadwick, A. and Howard, P. N. (eds) , pp. 323-336. http://www.handbook-of-internet-politics.com/pdfs/chapter_23.pdf

DUTTON, William H. (2009), The Fifth Estate Emerging Through the Network of Networks. Prometheus, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-15. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1167502

DUTTON, W.H. and PELTU, M. (2008) The New Politics of the Internet: Multi-stakeholder Policy-making and the Internet Technocracy. In: A.Chadwick and P.N.Howard (eds) Routledge Handbook of Internet Politics. London: Routledge, pp. 384-400.

PRIOR, Markus (2007), Post-Broadcast Democracy. How Media Choice Increases Inequality in Political Involvement and Polarizes Elections, NY: Cambridge University Press.

TEWKSBURY, David e RITTENBERG, Jason (2008) «Online news creation and consumption.Implications for modern democracies» The Handbook of Internet Politics (Routledge). Chadwick, A. and Howard, P. N. (eds) , pp. 186-200. http://www.handbook-of-internet-politics.com/pdfs/chapter_14.pdf

Net neutrality

OECD - Principles for Internet Policy-Making (2011)

Obama avisa que vetará una ley contra la neutralidad en la Red (El Pais, 9.11.11)

FCC Adopts a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking public input on draft rules to preserve an open Internet. October 22, 2009

FCC Announces Second Public En Banc Hearing on Broadband Network Management Practices at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. March 19, 2008


Journalists’ Google-ized identities

Google will begin integrating journalists’ Google-ized identities into Google News (Megan Garber).
Is Google helping journalists? (Mathew Ingram): I think Google needs to reconsider how it has implemented these new features, and add support for links to other services as well. Whether it will do so or not remains to be seen, but the message behind these and other moves is clear: Google+ is not just a social network, it is an attempt to create a unified social backbone for all of its services — and the full implications of that are only just beginning to become obvious.

Google’s New Algorithm

Google’s New Algorithm Update Impacts 35% Of Searches.
Nuevo cambio de algoritmos en Google: El buscador primará los enlaces más recientes en caso de búsquedas sobre la actualidad. Cuando Google detecte que el internauta busca sobre un acontecimiento reciente, favorecerá los últimos contenidos ofrecidos en la Red, contenidos que pueden tener apenas unos minutos.

News sites find it 'a great opportunity'

As Occupy Wall Street evolves, news sites find it “a great opportunity for web journalism”. How the movement shifted in the media’s eyes from “just another protest” to a broad-based subject for news coverage.
Guy Fawkes mask inspires Occupy protests around the world (CNN)


Inclusão e participação digital

Acaba de sair o nº 19 da Revista Media & Jornalismo, publicação do CIMJ - Centro de Investigação Media e Jornalismo, sobre Inclusão e participação Digital: Olhares sobre a Sociedade Portuguesa. Projecto Inclusão e Participação Digital: Comparação de trajectórias de uso de meios digitais por diferentes grupos sociais em Portugal e nos Estados Unidos, financiado pela FCT no âmbito do Programa UTAustin|Portugal. A génese, objectivos e resultados sumários desse Projecto que agora se encerra são apresentados no artigo de abertura, de Cristina Ponte e José Azevedo, coordenadora e vice-coordenador do Projecto e organizadores deste número da revista. Tema em debate na Conferência Diversidade Digital, na FCSH-UNL, dia 4 de Novembro (Auditório 1, 9h15-18h). Ver Programa.

Participatory Journalism in the NYTimes

Examining Participatory Journalism in the NYTimes. For Intro to Civic Media this week we were asked to pick a media news outlet and examine how they incorporated participatory media into their practices and work.


Google's views

European Public Policy Blog. Google's views on government, policy and politics in Europe.

When Bots Socialize

The Socialbot Network: When Bots Socialize for Fame and Money. Yazan Boshmaf, Ildar Muslukhov, Konstantin Beznosov, Matei Ripeanu. University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada {boshmaf,ildarm,beznosov,matei}@ece.ubc.ca

London Conference on Cyberspace

The London Conference will launch a focused and inclusive dialogue to help guide the behaviour of all in cyberspace.

Londres intenta movilizar al mundo contra las amenazas y los delitos cibernéticos

Online Privacy and Web 2.0

The Federal government has had a culture of privacy for decades... One of the key foundations of this culture is that any use of technology should be assessed to determine the impact, whether directly or indirectly, to privacy: Information Security and Privacy Program HHS Cybersecurity Program - Leadership For IT Security & Privacy. Online Privacy and Web 2.0 @ HHS.

Google TV’s killer app

YouTube’s original channels could be Google TV’s killer app. Google has officially announced plans to bring a slew of original content to YouTube, backed by some big names, but the news could also be huge for Google TV.

Digital Revenues

Five Companies Control 64% Of All Online Ad Spending


Social Strategies That Work

Social Strategies That Work by Mikołaj Jan Piskorski (associate professor in the strategy unit at Harvard Business School). Harvard Business Review, Nov. 2011. His forthcoming book is Connect: Why Social Platforms Work and How to Leverage Them for Success, Princeton University Press, 2012. Twitter: @mpiskorski

About the Cloud

What Every CEO Needs to Know About the Cloud, by Andrew McAfee, (principal research scientist at the Center for Digital Business in the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is the author of Enterprise 2.0). Harvard Business Review, Nov. 2011.


TV digital, inclusão e interatividade

TV digital, inclusão e interatividade no Brasil. Luiz Fernando Soares, responsável pela criação do sistema brasileiro de TV digital, defende a inclusão social através da interatividade nas televisões.


The Tablet Revolution

The most detailed study to date probes who tablet users are, how they get news and how willing they are to pay for it. See the report, infographic or slideshow. 

Journalism schools: “anchor institutions” in the emerging media ecosystem

Journalism Schools Must Fill Void for Local Communities

Download report: Shaping 21st Century Journalism (PDF)

The Local: East Village, NYU's Collaboration with the New York Times. "Look: Not everyone is going to be thrilled that NYU is doing this with the New York Times. We'll have to take those problems on, not as classroom abstractions but civil transactions with the people who live and work here. You know what? It's going to be messy and hard, which is to say real." Explaining The Local: East Village, NYU's Collaboration with the New York Times.


Un nuevo paradigma para el servicio público

Un nuevo paradigma para el servicio público de televisión en la era digital (FRC)

Public Service Media (bibliografia)

ABRANTES e DAYAN 2006 Televisão: Das Audiências aos Públicos, Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.

ALVES, Dinis 1999 Mimetismos e determinação da agenda noticiosa televisiva - a agenda montra de outras agendas". Tese de Doutoramento: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra.

ATKINSON and RABOY 1997 La radiotélévision de service public : les défis du XXIe siècle, Études et documents sur la communication, no 111. Paris : Éditions UNESCO.

BARDOEL; LOWE 2007 From public service broadcasting to public service media, Nordicom: Sweden. 

BARDOEL; d'HAENENS 2008 «Reinventing public service broadcasting in Europe: prospects, promises and problems», Media, Culture & Society, May; vol. 30: pp. 337-355.

BATZ, Jean Claude 2005 L'Audiovisuel européen : un enjeu de civilisation, Paris: Séguier.

BLUMLER, Jay 1993 Television e Interes Publico, Barcelona, Bosch Casa Editorial 

BOURDON, Jerôme 2004 “Old and New Ghosts: Public Service Television and The Popular – a History”, European Journal of Cultural Studies; 7: 283-304.

BORGES e BAPTISTA 2008 Discursos e Práticas de Qualidade na Televisão, Lisboa: Livros Horizonte 

BRANDÃO Nuno 2005 Prime Time. Lisboa: Casa das Letras.

BUSTAMANTE, Enrique 2006 Radio y Televisión en España. Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa.

CÁDIMA, F. Rui 2011 A Televisão, o Digital e a Cultura Participativa, Lisboa: Formalpress/Media XXI. 

CÁDIMA, F. Rui 2009 Crise e Crítica do Sistema de Media - O Caso Português (in press)

CÁDIMA, F. Rui 2007 A Crise do Audiovisual Europeu, Lisboa: Formalpress/Media XXI

CÁDIMA, F. Rui 2010 La era digital. Legitimidad de los medios de comunicación públicos. Madrid, Telos, nº 83, pp. 13-22

CARVALHO, Alberto A. 2009 A RTP e o Serviço Público de Televisão. Coimbra: Almedina

CASETTI e CHIO 1999 Análisis de la Televisión. Barcelona: Ed. Paidós Ibérica. 

COLLINS, Richard 2007 Public Value and the BBC, London: The Work Foundation

CURRAN, James et al. 2009 «Media System, Public Knowledge and Democracy - A Comparative Study», European Journal of Communication, Vol 24(1): 5–26.

DAYAN, Daniel 1997 En busca del Publico, Barcelona, Editorial Gedisa.

ELSTEIN, D. 2004 «Building Public Value: a new definition of public service broadcasting?» 19th IEA Current Controversies Paper, London, Institute for EconomicAffairs.

ERC 2008 Pluralismo político-partidário na RTP em 2007 - Informação diária. Lisboa: ERC, 31 de Março.

ERC 2008 Relatório Intercalar de avaliação do pluralismo político-partidário na informação diária e não diária do serviço público de televisão - Deliberação 2/PLU-TV/2008. Lisboa: ERC, 24 de Setembro.

GIL, José 2004 Portugal Hoje – O medo de existir, Lisboa: Relógio de Água.

GILLMOR, Dan 2004 We the Media - Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People. Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media Inc.

GRANADO, A. 2008 The use of Internet in newsgathering among European science journalists. ed. 1. Leeds: University of Leeds.

HORWITZ, Robert B 2005 On Media Concentration and the Diversity Question, The Information society, 2005, vol. 21, no3, pp. 181-204.

JAKUBOWICZ, Karol 2007 «Public service broadcasting: a new beginning, or the beginning of the end?», Derby: Knowledge Politics. JAY, Antony 2008 How to save the BBC, London: Center for Policy Studies. 

LEVY and GARDAM 2008 The Price of Plurality - Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Oxford: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

LOPES, Felisbela 2007 A TV das Elites. Porto: Campo das Letras

LÓPEZ, Bernat 1996 «Espacios cultural-comunicativos minoritarios ante la política audiovisual europea - Por um proyecto democratico, plural y tolerante», TELOS, nº 45, Madrid, Fundesco, Marzo-Mayo.

MEDINA, M., et al 2010 Globalization and Pluralism - Reshaping Public TV in Europe. Lisbon: Formalpress/Media XXI.

MOE, Hallvard 2008 «Public Service Media Online? Regulating Public Broadcasters' Internet Services—A Comparative Analysis, Television & New Media, Vol. 9, No. 3, 220-238 (2008

NIKOLTCHEV, S. (ed) 2007 The Public Service Broadcasting Culture (IRIS Special). Strasbourg: OEA.

NISSEN, Christian S. 2006 Public Service Media in the Information Society, Council of Europe.

NORD, Lars 2009 “What is Public Service on the Internet? Digital Challenges for Media Policy in Europe” Observatório (OBS*) Journal, 9 (2009), 24-39

PINTO, M. 2005 Televisão e Cidadania, Porto: Campo das Letras.

REGOURD, Serge 2008 Vers la fin de la télévision publique?. Toulouse : Éditions de l’Atribut.

RICHERI, Giuseppe 2005 La Televisioni Pubbliche Nelle Regioni d’Europa, Roma: RAI/Editora Periodica e Libraria.

RIDINGER, Meike 2009 «La mission de service public et les nouveaux médias », IRIS plus, Observations juridiques de l’Observatoire européen de l’audiovisuel, Edition 2009-6.

SCHLESINGER, Philip 1997 “From cultural defence to political culture: media, politics and collective identity in the European Union”, Media, Culture & Society, Jul 1997; vol. 19: pp. 369 - 391. 

SHOEMAKER and COHEN 2006 News around the world: Content, practitioners, and the public. New York: Routledge.

SHULZ, Wolfgand 2009 «The Legal Framework for Public Service Broadcasting after the German State Aid Case – Procruste’s Bed or Hammock?», Journal of Media Law, nº 2 Vol 1. December, p. 219-241. 

TRAPPEL, Josef 2008 «Online Media Within the Public Service Realm? Reasons to Include Online into the Public Service Mission» Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Vol 14(3): 313–322

THUSSU, D. Kishan 2007 News as Entertainment: The Rise of Global Infotainment, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore: Sage

WARD David 2006 "The assessment of content diversity in newspapers and television in the context of increasing trends towards concentration of media markets", Council of Europe, Media Division - Directorate General of Human Rights, Strasbourg MC-S-MD(2006)001


Google Transparency Report

Google Transparency Report 2011 (January to June 2011)

Conferência: A Publicidade e o Digital

A Publicidade e a Era Digital. Conferência de Patricia Corredor (Professora da Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). FCSH, Quarta-feira, 9 de Novembro de 2011. Auditório 1, 18h00. Bio: Doutora em Ciências da Informação pela Universidad Complutense (UCM). Profesora titular interina de Fundamentos de la Publicidad na Faculdade de Ciências da Comunicação da Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Especialista em Gestión Publicitaria e Co-directora académica do Master “Dirección y gestión de Comunicación, Marketing y Publicidad” del Instituto Europeo di Design (IED), desde 2005.


Guardian: Lessons from our open news trial

The first week of the Guardian's experiment in publishing its news lists has reaped advantages, but more is needed. Well, the sky didn't fall in. One week in, and the remarkable thing about our experiment publishing The Guardian's list of upcoming stories is why newspapers have been so secretive about such information for so long. Whatever competitive advantage may have been lost by giving rivals a clue what we were up to was more than made up for by a growing range of ideas and tips from readers.


Google search more secure

Making search more secure
Google anuncia mayor privacidad para su buscador: "La noticia es importante, pues significa que ningún tercero podrá, a partir de ahora, conocer qué tipo de cosas buscamos en Google, y qué páginas decidimos visitar. Por ejemplo, un gobierno no podrá (sin el permiso de Google) acceder al historial de búsquedas y sitios visitados por una persona concreta. Tampoco una empresa podrá controlar qué sitios web visitan desde Google sus empleados." (El Pais)


Conferência Google (nova data)

Conferência de Inês Cavaco
(Industry Manager - Google Portugal)
Título: "A Revolução Digital e a Plataforma de Comunicação Google"
Quarta-feira, 2 de Novembro, 18h - FCSH-UNL (Av. de Berna, Edifício I&D), Sala Multiusos.
Bio: Licenciada em Economia pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, iniciou a sua vida profissional como Consultora Estratégia na BCG (Boston Consulting Group), lançou uma ONG no Brasil (Sitawi) na área do Financiamento Social, e está desde 2008 na Google Portugal, onde é Industry Manager, responsável pelos sectores Financeiro, Automóvel, Media, Educação e Governo. 

Conferência Diversidade Digital

No próximo dia 4 de Novembro de 2011, realiza-se na FCSH/UNL (Auditório 1, 9h15-18h) uma conferência onde se discutirão os resultados do Projecto Inclusão e Participação Digital - Comparação de trajectórias de uso de meios digitais por diferentes grupos sociais em Portugal e nos Estados Unidos (Programa UTAustin/Portugal) sobre as condições de acesso, motivações para uso e outros factores que intervêm na experiência digital sobretudo da Internet. Este evento destaca a diversidade da experiência digital, entre crianças e jovens, adultos e cidadãos seniores, tomando em consideração variáveis como género, escolaridade e condições socioeconómicas, entre outras. O evento conta com a presença de vários investigadores e docentes, entre os quais António Câmara - Coordenador do Programa UTAustin|Portugal (FCT), Cristina Ponte (Coordenadora do Projecto Inclusão e Participação Digital) e Joseph Straubhaar- (Vice-coordenador do Projecto, Universidade de Texas). Ver Programa.


Conferência Steve Doig

Conferência sobre Jornalismo Assistido por Computador
Auditório 3, dia 20 de Outubro de 2011, das 18h00 às 21h00
Prof. Steve Doig, Knight Chair in Journalism, Arizona State University
Aberta a todos os interessados

Stephen Doig é especialista em jornalismo assistido por computador. Foi jornalista de investigação durante 23 anos e venceu, no Miami Herald, o Prémio Pulitzer de Serviço Público em 1993. É professor da Arizona State University desde 1996. Esteve em Lisboa no ano passado como Bolseiro Fulbright a leccionar o seminário de Questões Contemporâneas do Jornalismo, no mestrado em Jornalismo da FCSH.




Googlearchy: How a Few Heavily-Linked Sites Dominate Politics on the Web. Matthew Hindman, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis, Judy A. Johnson (2003)
Topical interests and the mitigation of search engine bias. S. Fortunato, A. Flammini, F. Menczer, A. Vespignani (2006)
In Google we trust: Users' decisions on rank, position, and relevance. Pan, B., Hembrooke, H., Joachims, T., Lorigo, L., Gay, G., and Granka, L. (2007). Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(3), article 3.
The Myth of Digital Democracy. Matthew Hindman (2009)

The Googlization of Everything. How One Company is Disrupting Culture, Commerce, and Community… and Why we Should Worry (a book in progress by Siva Vaidhyanathan

Ken Auletta (2010) Google - O fim do mundo como o conhecemos. Porto: Civilização Editora
John Battelle (2006) The Search. Como o Google mudou as regras do negócio e revolucionou a cultura. Casa das Letras.
Jeff Jarvis (2010) O que faria o Google?, Lisboa: GestãoPlus.
Steven Levy (2011) In the Plex - How Google thinks, works, and shape our lives. Simon & Schuster.

Fred Vogelstein (2009) Keyword: Monopoly. http://www.wired.com/images/press/pdf/googlopoly.pdf



Vili Lehdonvirta, Perttu Virtanen (2010). A New Frontier in Digital Content Policy: Case Studies in the Regulation of Virtual Goods and Artificial Scarcity http://microsites.oii.ox.ac.uk/ipp2010/system/files/IPP2010_Lehdonvirta_Virtanen_Paper.pdf

Molly Beutz Land (2009). Protecting Rights Online. YJIL, Winter Issue, 2009. http://www.yale.edu/yjil/files_PDFs/vol34/Beutz.pdf

Jonathan Cave (2006). Market-based alternatives or complements to regulation
communications the next decade (OFCOM).

Leonard Waverman (2006). The challenges of a digital world and the need for a new regulatory paradigm communications the next decade (OFCOM).

Stefaan G. Verhulst (2006). The Regulation of Digital Content. Handbook of New Media (org: Leah A Lievrouw, Sonia Livingstone), Sage.

Peter Lunt and Sonia Livingstone (2007). Regulation in the public interest http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/PURRR/Regulation%20-%20author%20copy.pdf

Manuel Puppis (2010). Media Governance: A New Concept for the Analysis of Media Policy and Regulation. Communication, Culture & Critique 3, 134–149.

Manuel Puppis (2008). National Media Regulation in the Era of Free Trade. The Role of Global Media Governance. European Journal of Communication; 23; 405.

Mónica Ariño (2008). “The Regulation of Audiovisual Content in the Era of Digital Convergence”. In: "IV Internet, Law and Politics Congress. Social Software and Web 2.0: Legal and Political Implications” [online monograph]. IDP. Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política. No. 7. UOC. http://www.uoc.edu/idp/7/dt/eng/arino.pdf

Eliza Varney (2006) Regulating the Digital Television Infrastructure in the EU Room for Citizenship Interests? http://www.keele.ac.uk/research/lpj/membership/profiles/Cyber%20Law%20reprint.pdf

Directivas e regulação (EU)

Ronald Rosen (2008), Music and Copyright, Oxford University Press.

Yochai Benkler (2006), The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, Yale University Press. http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/wealth_of_networks/Download_PDFs_of_the_book

Lawrence Lessig (2004), Free Culture - How big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity, New York: The Penguin Press.

Siva Vaidhyanathan (2001), Copyrights and Copywrongs: The Rise of Intellectual Property and How it Threatens Creativity, NY: New York University Press.

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Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles"

The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from You

The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from YouIf you order the book here, all of Eli’s proceeds from this post will go to MoveOn.org Civic Action. Here’s what author Bill McKibben has to say about it: “You spend half your life in Internet space, but trust me—you don’t understand how it works. Eli Pariser’s book is a masterpiece of both investigation and interpretation; he exposes the way we’re sent down particular information tunnels, and he explains how we might once again find ourselves in a broad public square of ideas. This couldn’t be a more interesting book; it casts an illuminating light on so many of our daily encounters.”


A Free Irresponsible Press

Yochai Benkler, A Free Irresponsible Press. Wikileaks and the battle over the soul of the networked fourth estate (forthcoming Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review - working draft)


Storytelling Through Digital Media

Digital storytelling is a method of practice emerging in the School of Education. How do we define digital stories? University of Wisconsin-Madison provides a variety of resources to help instructors and students create digital stories.