
Conferência de Scott deLahunta: Choreography and Cognition

Conferência de Scott deLahunta (Coventry University): "Choreography and Cognition: applying insights from science to dance creation".

FCSH-UNL, Auditório 1, 28 Novembro, segunda-feira, 18H00

For over a decade London-based choreographer Wayne McGregor and Scott deLahunta have been researching new understandings of choreographic practice through an interdisciplinary collaboration with specialists in the field of cognitive science. This research fuelled the creation of original choreographies by McGregor and has generated new tools and methods informed by science for enhancing creativity in dance. Scott deLahunta will outline some of this research with a focus on the development of Choreographic Thinking Tools that draws on a macro-theory titled Interacting Cognitive Subsystems developed by Dr. Phil Barnard (formerly of the Cognition and Brain Studies Unit, Medical Research Council, Cambridge), also a long-time collaborator on the project. http://www.randomdance.org/r_research

BIO: Scott deLahunta has worked as a writer, researcher and organiser on a range of international projects bringing performing arts with a focus on choreography into conjunction with other disciplines and practices. He has taught for various education institutions in the past including the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam (1994-2006) based at the Amsterdam School of the Arts, where he also co-developed the Amsterdam Masters in Choreography program. From 2006-2010, he was Research Fellow with the Art Theory and Research and Art Practice and Development Research Group, Amsterdam School for the Arts, where he worked closely with the dance company Emio Greco | PC. Scott is currently Senior Research Fellow Coventry University/ R-Research Director, Wayne McGregor|Random Dance and Program Leader Motion Bank/ The Forsythe Company. http://www.sdela.dds.nl/

Organização do Centro de Linguí¬stica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, e em colaboração com o Programa Doutoral em Digital Media (Programa UT Austin | PT),