
The future of Television

Abigail De Kosnik (2010). Piracy Is The Future Of Television - Convergence Culture Consortium convergenceculture.org/research/c3-piracy_future_television-full.pdf

Amanda D. Lotz (2009). What Is U.S. Television Now? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 625: 49-59

Cádima, F. Rui (2010). A Televisão Pública face aos Novos Ambientes Web. http://campus.usal.es/~comunicacion3punto0/comunicaciones/056.pdf

Christian M. Bron (2010). Financing and supervision of public service broadcasting. European legislation and current national developments concerning fi nancial and content-related supervision. http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus4LA_2010.pdf.en

Elihu Katz (2009). The End of Television? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 625: 6-18

Gunn Sara Enli (2008). Redefining Public Service Broadcasting
Multi-Platform Participation. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Vol 14(1): 105–120

Jorge Ferraz de Abreu e Telmo Silva (2010). Video publication to different mobile devices. http://campus.usal.es/~comunicacion3punto0/comunicaciones/083.pdf

Marissa Gluck e Maritxell Sales (2008). The Future of Television - Advertising, Technology and pursuit of audiences. http://learcenter.org/pdf/FutureofTV.pdf

Mary Debrett (2009). Riding the wave: public service television in the multi-platform era. Media Culture Society 2009; 31; 807

Minna Aslama (2008). "POLICIES OF INERTIA OR INNOVATION? EUROPEAN PUBLIC SERVICE IN TRANSITION FROM PSB TO PSM". McGannon Center Working Paper Series. Paper 23. http://fordham.bepress.com/mcgannon_working_papers/23

Public Service Content in Digital Britain (2009). Digital Britain - Final Report.

Pyungho Kim (2009). Internet Protocol TV in Perspective A Matrix of Continuity and Innovation.  Television & New Media. Volume 10 Number 6, 536-545

Scott Puopolo el altri (2011). The Future of Television: Sweeping Change at Breakneck Speed. Cisco IBSG Service Provider Practice. http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac79/docs/sp/10_Reasons_Future_of_TV_IBSG.pdf

Shani Orgad (2009). Mobile TV. Old and New in the Construction of an Emergent Technology. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies Vol 15(2): 197–214

Silvia García Mirón (2010). Televisión y redes sociales: presencia de la estrategia 3.0 de Antena 3 en Facebook. http://campus.usal.es/~comunicacion3punto0/comunicaciones/077.pdf

Wolfgang Schulz (2009). The Legal Framework for Public Service Broadcasting after the German State Aid Case: Procrustean Bed or Hammock?[2009] 2 Journal of Media Law 219–241