Rita Maria Barracha da Silva: "Estruturas, estratégias e propósitos de um design inovador". FCSH, 5.12.2011, 14h00, Sala T1 (Torre B, Piso 2)
Laura Araújo Cortes: "O processo de concepção de recursos educativos multimédia – problemas e abordagens encontradas". FCSH, 7.12.20011, 16h00, Sala T1 (Torre B, Piso 2)
Bolsa de Jornalismo
Encontram-se abertas até ao próximo dia 15 de Dezembro as inscrições para a Bolsa Nieman Journalism Fellowship. Promovida pela Fundação Luso-Americana, pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e pela Nieman Foundation, em Harvard, esta Bolsa de Estudo que permite a frequência de um ano académico na Universidade de Harvard, nos Estados Unidos, destina-se apenas a jornalistas portugueses com um mínimo de 5 anos de experiência profissional. O processo de candidatura deverá ser submetido online, através do site da Nieman Foundation disponível em www.nieman.harvard.edu
Conferência: Televisão 2.0
No âmbito do Ciclo de Conferências "Digital Media" do Departamento de Ciências da Comunicação (FCSH-UNL), Ricardo Tomé (UCP e RTP) dará uma conferência na FCSH subordinada ao título "Televisão 2.0". Dia 29 de Novembro, às 16 horas (Sala Multiusos 1, Edifício ID). Ricardo Tomé é coordenador da área de Conteúdos para a Web da RTP, para as marcas e programas de TV, Rádio e Informação. Diplomado pela New Media Technology College de Dublin em “Interactive Television & New Media”, licenciado em Publicidade & Marketing pela Escola Superior de Comunicação Social. É membro do grupo europeu de Novos Media (EBU-Y) e professor da cadeira de Redes Sociais e Vendas do Programa de Gestão de Vendas da Universidade Católica.
Conferência: Net Neutrality
A ISOC Portugal, Portugal Chapter e a APDSI vão organizar um evento destinado a discutir o tema "Net Neutrality - Neutralidade da Internet: Problemática, estado da arte em Portugal". O encontro realiza-se no próximo dia 30 de Novembro, entre as 9h30 e as 18h00, no Hotel Villa Rica, em Lisboa. O objectivo é envolver a sociedade civil, as empresas e os agentes políticos. Frederic Donck, Director do European Regional Bureau da Internet Society, é um dos oradores.
BitTorrent TV
Vestel to Preview the First BitTorrent TV: Personal Channels, Premium Channels, All Content
Bareme Internet 2011
Um dia nas nossas vidas (Estudo Nova Expressão 2011): Avaliar o comportamento da população portuguesa utilizadora da internet (59% do total da população com +15 anos, Marktest 2011) em relação aos seus hábitos de utilização de meios e suportes/plataformas de comunicação.
Um dia nas nossas vidas (Estudo Nova Expressão 2011): Avaliar o comportamento da população portuguesa utilizadora da internet (59% do total da população com +15 anos, Marktest 2011) em relação aos seus hábitos de utilização de meios e suportes/plataformas de comunicação.
Conferência de Scott deLahunta: Choreography and Cognition
Conferência de Scott deLahunta (Coventry University): "Choreography and Cognition: applying insights from science to dance creation".
FCSH-UNL, Auditório 1, 28 Novembro, segunda-feira, 18H00
For over a decade London-based choreographer Wayne McGregor and Scott deLahunta have been researching new understandings of choreographic practice through an interdisciplinary collaboration with specialists in the field of cognitive science. This research fuelled the creation of original choreographies by McGregor and has generated new tools and methods informed by science for enhancing creativity in dance. Scott deLahunta will outline some of this research with a focus on the development of Choreographic Thinking Tools that draws on a macro-theory titled Interacting Cognitive Subsystems developed by Dr. Phil Barnard (formerly of the Cognition and Brain Studies Unit, Medical Research Council, Cambridge), also a long-time collaborator on the project. http://www.randomdance.org/r_research
BIO: Scott deLahunta has worked as a writer, researcher and organiser on a range of international projects bringing performing arts with a focus on choreography into conjunction with other disciplines and practices. He has taught for various education institutions in the past including the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam (1994-2006) based at the Amsterdam School of the Arts, where he also co-developed the Amsterdam Masters in Choreography program. From 2006-2010, he was Research Fellow with the Art Theory and Research and Art Practice and Development Research Group, Amsterdam School for the Arts, where he worked closely with the dance company Emio Greco | PC. Scott is currently Senior Research Fellow Coventry University/ R-Research Director, Wayne McGregor|Random Dance and Program Leader Motion Bank/ The Forsythe Company. http://www.sdela.dds.nl/
Organização do Centro de Linguí¬stica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, e em colaboração com o Programa Doutoral em Digital Media (Programa UT Austin | PT),
FCSH-UNL, Auditório 1, 28 Novembro, segunda-feira, 18H00
For over a decade London-based choreographer Wayne McGregor and Scott deLahunta have been researching new understandings of choreographic practice through an interdisciplinary collaboration with specialists in the field of cognitive science. This research fuelled the creation of original choreographies by McGregor and has generated new tools and methods informed by science for enhancing creativity in dance. Scott deLahunta will outline some of this research with a focus on the development of Choreographic Thinking Tools that draws on a macro-theory titled Interacting Cognitive Subsystems developed by Dr. Phil Barnard (formerly of the Cognition and Brain Studies Unit, Medical Research Council, Cambridge), also a long-time collaborator on the project. http://www.randomdance.org/r_research
BIO: Scott deLahunta has worked as a writer, researcher and organiser on a range of international projects bringing performing arts with a focus on choreography into conjunction with other disciplines and practices. He has taught for various education institutions in the past including the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam (1994-2006) based at the Amsterdam School of the Arts, where he also co-developed the Amsterdam Masters in Choreography program. From 2006-2010, he was Research Fellow with the Art Theory and Research and Art Practice and Development Research Group, Amsterdam School for the Arts, where he worked closely with the dance company Emio Greco | PC. Scott is currently Senior Research Fellow Coventry University/ R-Research Director, Wayne McGregor|Random Dance and Program Leader Motion Bank/ The Forsythe Company. http://www.sdela.dds.nl/
Organização do Centro de Linguí¬stica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, e em colaboração com o Programa Doutoral em Digital Media (Programa UT Austin | PT),
Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research
"Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research" is the title of an international workshop to be held at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, on 18 and 19 November, 2011.
Flow TV
Flow TV
Television in the age of media
convergence. Edited by Michael Kackman et altri. (Routledge, 2011). From viral videos on YouTube to mobile television on cell phones and beyond, Flow TV examines television in an age of technological, economic, and cultural convergence. Seeking to frame a new set of concerns for television studies in the 21st century, this collection of all new essays establishes television’s continued importance in a shifting media culture. The collection examines television through a range of critical approaches from formal and industrial analysis to critical technology studies, reception studies, political economy, and critiques of television’s transnational flows. This volume stems from the popular online journal Flow: A Critical Forum on Television and Media Culture (www.flowtv.org)
The future of Television
Abigail De Kosnik (2010). Piracy Is The Future Of Television - Convergence Culture Consortium convergenceculture.org/research/c3-piracy_future_television-full.pdf
Amanda D. Lotz (2009). What Is
U.S. Television Now? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political
and Social Science, 625: 49-59
Cádima, F. Rui (2010). A Televisão
Pública face aos Novos Ambientes Web. http://campus.usal.es/~comunicacion3punto0/comunicaciones/056.pdf
Christian M. Bron (2010). Financing and supervision of public service broadcasting. European legislation and current
national developments concerning fi nancial and content-related supervision.
Elihu Katz (2009). The End of Television? The ANNALS of the American Academy of
Political and Social Science 625: 6-18
Gunn Sara Enli (2008). Redefining Public
Service Broadcasting
Multi-Platform Participation. Convergence:
The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Vol 14(1):
Ferraz de Abreu e Telmo Silva (2010). Video publication to different mobile devices. http://campus.usal.es/~comunicacion3punto0/comunicaciones/083.pdf
Marissa Gluck e Maritxell Sales (2008). The
Future of Television - Advertising, Technology and pursuit of audiences. http://learcenter.org/pdf/FutureofTV.pdf
Mary Debrett (2009). Riding the wave: public service television in the multi-platform era. Media Culture Society 2009; 31; 807
Mary Debrett (2009). Riding the wave: public service television in the multi-platform era. Media Culture Society 2009; 31; 807
Minna Aslama (2008). "POLICIES OF INERTIA OR
McGannon Center Working Paper Series. Paper 23. http://fordham.bepress.com/mcgannon_working_papers/23
Public Service Content in Digital Britain (2009). Digital
Britain - Final Report.
Pyungho Kim (2009). Internet
Protocol TV in Perspective A Matrix of Continuity and Innovation. Television & New Media. Volume 10 Number 6, 536-545
Richard Collins (2009). Public Value and the BBC. http://www.theworkfoundation.com/assets/docs/publications/174_publicvalue_bbc.pdf
Scott Puopolo el altri (2011). The Future of
Television: Sweeping Change at Breakneck Speed. Cisco IBSG Service Provider
Practice. http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac79/docs/sp/10_Reasons_Future_of_TV_IBSG.pdf
Shani Orgad (2009). Mobile TV. Old and
New in the Construction of an Emergent Technology. Convergence: The
International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies Vol 15(2): 197–214
García Mirón (2010). Televisión y redes sociales: presencia de la estrategia 3.0
de Antena 3 en Facebook. http://campus.usal.es/~comunicacion3punto0/comunicaciones/077.pdf
Wolfgang Schulz (2009). The
Legal Framework for Public Service Broadcasting after the German State Aid
Case: Procrustean Bed or Hammock?[2009] 2 Journal of Media Law 219–241
Textos (Internet/Politics)
Ib (2007), Power and personality: politicians on the World Wide Web, Northern
Lights, Volume 5, pp. 119-140.
Andrew (2009) «Web 2.0: New Challenges for the Study of E-Democracy in an Era
of Informational Exuberance», I/S: Journal of Law and Policy for the Information
Society 5 (1), pp. 9-41. http://www.rhul.ac.uk/politics-and-ir/about-us/Chadwick/Pdf/Chadwick_Web_2.0_New_Challenges_for_the_Study_of_E-Democracy_I-S_2009.pdf
Andrew e ANSTEAD, Nick (2008), «Parties, election campaigning, and the
Internet. Toward a comparative institutional approach», The Handbook of
Internet Politics (Routledge). Chadwick, A. and Howard, P. N. (eds) , pp.
323-336, pp. 56-71. http://www.rhul.ac.uk/politics-and-ir/about-us/Chadwick/Pdf/Nick_Anstead_Andrew_Chadwick_Parties_Election_Campaigning_and_Internet.pdf
Ronald J. (2008), «The geopolitics of internet control. Censorship, sovereignty, and
cyberspace», The Handbook of Internet Politics (Routledge). Chadwick, A. and
Howard, P. N. (eds) , pp. 323-336. http://www.handbook-of-internet-politics.com/pdfs/chapter_23.pdf
William H. (2009), The Fifth Estate Emerging Through the Network of Networks. Prometheus, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-15. Available at SSRN:
W.H. and PELTU, M. (2008) The New Politics of the Internet: Multi-stakeholder
Policy-making and the Internet Technocracy. In: A.Chadwick and P.N.Howard (eds)
Routledge Handbook of Internet Politics. London: Routledge, pp. 384-400.
Markus (2007), Post-Broadcast Democracy. How Media Choice Increases Inequality
in Political Involvement and Polarizes Elections, NY: Cambridge University
David e RITTENBERG, Jason (2008) «Online news creation and
consumption.Implications for modern democracies» The Handbook of Internet
Politics (Routledge). Chadwick, A. and Howard, P. N. (eds) , pp. 186-200.
Net neutrality
OECD - Principles for Internet Policy-Making (2011)
Obama avisa que vetará una ley contra la neutralidad en la Red (El Pais, 9.11.11)
FCC Adopts a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking public input on draft rules to preserve an open Internet. October 22, 2009
FCC Announces Second Public En Banc Hearing on Broadband Network Management Practices at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. March 19, 2008
Obama avisa que vetará una ley contra la neutralidad en la Red (El Pais, 9.11.11)
FCC Adopts a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking public input on draft rules to preserve an open Internet. October 22, 2009
FCC Announces Second Public En Banc Hearing on Broadband Network Management Practices at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. March 19, 2008
EU Digital Agenda
High-level group to discuss freedom and pluralism of the media across the EU
Commission awards €600,000 for new Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom
Conference: Pluralism and competition in the regulation of new media (Florence School of Regulation, 10 – 12 November 2011)
Commission awards €600,000 for new Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom
Conference: Pluralism and competition in the regulation of new media (Florence School of Regulation, 10 – 12 November 2011)
Journalists’ Google-ized identities
Google will begin integrating journalists’ Google-ized identities into Google News (Megan Garber).
Is Google helping journalists? (Mathew Ingram): I think Google needs to reconsider how it has implemented these new features, and add support for links to other services as well. Whether it will do so or not remains to be seen, but the message behind these and other moves is clear: Google+ is not just a social network, it is an attempt to create a unified social backbone for all of its services — and the full implications of that are only just beginning to become obvious.
Is Google helping journalists? (Mathew Ingram): I think Google needs to reconsider how it has implemented these new features, and add support for links to other services as well. Whether it will do so or not remains to be seen, but the message behind these and other moves is clear: Google+ is not just a social network, it is an attempt to create a unified social backbone for all of its services — and the full implications of that are only just beginning to become obvious.
Google’s New Algorithm
Google’s New Algorithm Update Impacts 35% Of Searches.
Nuevo cambio de algoritmos en Google: El buscador primará los enlaces más recientes en caso de búsquedas sobre la actualidad. Cuando Google detecte que el internauta busca sobre un acontecimiento reciente, favorecerá los últimos contenidos ofrecidos en la Red, contenidos que pueden tener apenas unos minutos.
Nuevo cambio de algoritmos en Google: El buscador primará los enlaces más recientes en caso de búsquedas sobre la actualidad. Cuando Google detecte que el internauta busca sobre un acontecimiento reciente, favorecerá los últimos contenidos ofrecidos en la Red, contenidos que pueden tener apenas unos minutos.
News sites find it 'a great opportunity'
As Occupy Wall Street evolves, news sites find it “a great opportunity for web journalism”. How the movement shifted in the media’s eyes from “just another protest” to a broad-based subject for news coverage.
Guy Fawkes mask inspires Occupy protests around the world (CNN)
Guy Fawkes mask inspires Occupy protests around the world (CNN)
Inclusão e participação digital
Acaba de sair o nº 19 da Revista Media & Jornalismo, publicação do CIMJ - Centro de Investigação Media e Jornalismo, sobre Inclusão e participação Digital: Olhares sobre a Sociedade Portuguesa. Projecto Inclusão e Participação Digital: Comparação de trajectórias de uso de meios digitais por diferentes grupos sociais em Portugal e nos Estados Unidos, financiado pela FCT no âmbito do Programa UTAustin|Portugal. A génese, objectivos e resultados sumários desse Projecto que agora se encerra são apresentados no artigo de abertura, de Cristina Ponte e José Azevedo, coordenadora e vice-coordenador do Projecto e organizadores deste número da revista. Tema em debate na Conferência Diversidade Digital, na FCSH-UNL, dia 4 de Novembro (Auditório 1, 9h15-18h). Ver Programa.
Participatory Journalism in the NYTimes
Examining Participatory Journalism in the NYTimes. For Intro to Civic Media this week we were asked to pick a media news outlet and examine how they incorporated participatory media into their practices and work.
Google's views
European Public Policy Blog. Google's views on government, policy and politics in Europe.
When Bots Socialize
The Socialbot Network: When Bots Socialize for Fame and Money. Yazan Boshmaf, Ildar Muslukhov, Konstantin Beznosov, Matei Ripeanu. University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada {boshmaf,ildarm,beznosov,matei}@ece.ubc.ca
London Conference on Cyberspace
The London Conference will launch a focused and inclusive dialogue to help guide the behaviour of all in cyberspace.
Londres intenta movilizar al mundo contra las amenazas y los delitos cibernéticos
Londres intenta movilizar al mundo contra las amenazas y los delitos cibernéticos
Online Privacy and Web 2.0
The Federal government has had a culture of privacy for decades... One of the key foundations of this culture is that any use of technology should be assessed to determine the impact, whether directly or indirectly, to privacy: Information Security and Privacy Program HHS Cybersecurity Program - Leadership For IT Security & Privacy. Online Privacy and Web 2.0 @ HHS.
Google TV’s killer app
YouTube’s original channels could be Google TV’s killer app. Google has officially announced plans to bring a slew of original content to YouTube, backed by some big names, but the news could also be huge for Google TV.
Social Strategies That Work
Social Strategies That Work by Mikołaj Jan Piskorski (associate professor in the strategy unit at Harvard Business School). Harvard Business Review, Nov. 2011. His forthcoming book is Connect: Why Social Platforms Work and How to Leverage Them for Success, Princeton University Press, 2012. Twitter: @mpiskorski
About the Cloud
What Every CEO Needs to Know About the Cloud, by Andrew McAfee, (principal research scientist at the Center for Digital Business in the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is the author of Enterprise 2.0). Harvard Business Review, Nov. 2011.
Mensagens (Atom)