
Digital environments (politics, social networks)

Linda Jean Kenix (2008), «Nonprofit Organizations' Perceptions and Uses of the Internet», Television New Media, 2008; 9.

Matthew Hindman (2008), «The Internet and the "Democratization" of Politics»

Natalie Fenton (2008) «Mediating solidarity», Global Media and Communication; 4; 37-57.

Weiwu Zhang et altri (2010) «The Revolution Will be Networked. The Influence of Social Networking Sites on Political Attitudes and Behavior». Social Science Computer Review. Volume 28 Number 1, February 2010 75-92.

Wilson Gomes et altri (2009) «Politics 2.0: a campanha online de Barack Obama em 2008». Revista de Sociologia e Política, vol.17 no.34 Curitiba.

Zuñiga et altri (2009) «Weblogs, traditional sources online and political participation: an assessment of how the internet is changing the political environment». New media & society, Vol 11(4): 553–574.