

BEYER, Yngvil (2007) «Small Talk Makes a Big Difference. Recent Developments in Interactive, SMS-Based Television».Television New Media 2007; 8; 213-234.

BOS, Mark J. W. e KOOLSTRA Cees M. (2009) «The Development of an Instrument To Determine Different Levels of Interactivity» International Communication Gazette 2009; 71; 373-391.

CHUNG, Deborah Soun (2007) «Profits and Perils. Online News Producers’ Perceptions of Interactivity and Uses of Interactive Features», Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol 13(1): 43–61

COVER, Rob (2006) «Audience inter/active: Interactive media, narrative control and reconceiving audience history», new media & society, Vol 8(1):139–158

GOGGIN, Gerard and SPURGEON, Christina (2007), «Premium rate culture: the new business of mobile interactivity», New Media Society 2007; 9; 753-770.

KRUSE, Holly (2009) «Betting on News Corporation. Interactive Media, Gambling, and Global Information Flows», Television & New Media, Volume 10 Number 2, March, 179-194

QUIRING, Olivier (2009), «What do users associate with ‘interactivity’? A qualitative study on user Schemata», new media & society, Vol 11(6): 899–920

Interactive Narratives

ANG, Chee Siang (2006) «Rules, gameplay, and narratives in video games», Simulation & Gaming, Sep 2006; vol. 37: pp. 306 - 325.

BIZZOCHI Jim, WOODBURY, Robert F. (2003), «A Case Study in the Design of Interactive Narrative: The Subversion of the Interface», Simulation & Gaming, Vol. 34, No. 4, 550-568 (2003)

CAMERON, Catherine Ann e HUTCHISON. Judith (2009) «Telephone-mediated communication effects on young children’s oral and written narratives», First Language, Nov 2009; vol. 29: pp. 347 - 371.

DOBSON, Michael e H, Daniel (2008), «Exploring interactive stories in an HIV/AIDS learning game: HEALTHSIMNET», Simulation & Gaming, Mar 2008; vol. 39: pp. 39 - 63.

GEORGAKOPOULOU, Alexandra (2006) «The other side of the story: towards a narrative analysis of narratives-in-interaction», Discourse Studies, Apr 2006; vol. 8: pp. 235 - 257.

LANGILL, Caroline Seck (2009), «Self-Emulation: Upgrades in New Media Art and the Potential Loss of Narrative», Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 2009 15: 347-358

LOPEZ, Lori Kido (2009) «The radical act of 'mommy blogging': redefining motherhood through the blogosphere», New Media & Society, Aug 2009; vol. 11: pp. 729 - 747.

PERRYMAN, Neil (2008) «Doctor Who and the Convergence of Media: A Case Study in `Transmedia Storytelling'», Convergence, Feb 2008; vol. 14: pp. 21 - 39.

POPE, James (2006) «A Future for Hypertext Fiction Convergence» The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies Vol 12(4): 447–465

RIESER, Martin (1997) «Interactive Narratives: A Form of Fiction?», Convergence, Mar 1997; vol. 3: pp. 10 - 19.

ROIG, Antoni et altri (2009), «Videogame as Media Practice: An Exploration of the Intersections Between Play and Audiovisual Culture», Convergence, Feb 2009; vol. 15: pp. 89 - 103.

RUPPEL, Marc (2009), «Narrative Convergence, Cross-Sited Productions and the Archival Dilemma», Convergence, Aug 2009; vol. 15: pp. 281 - 298.

Digital Storytelling

ALEXANDER, Bryan and LEVINE, Alan (2008), «Web 2.0 Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre», Educause Review, vol. 43, no. 6 (November/December), 40-56.

COULDRY, Nick (2008) «Mediatization or mediation? Alternative understandings of the emergent space of digital storytelling», New Media Society 2008; 10; 373-391

KIDD, Jenny (2006), «Digital Storytelling at the BBC: the reality of innovative audience participation», Paper presented at the RIPE@2006 Conference, 16-18 http://yle.fi/ripe/Papers/Kidd.pdf

KLAEBE, Helen et altri (2007) «Digital Storytelling and History Lines: Community Engagement in a Master-Planned Development», Proc 13th Intl Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Brisbane, Australia, 23-26 Sept 2007, pp. 108-120.

KLAEBE, Helen (2006) «The problems and possibilities of using digital storytelling in public history projects». In Proceedings XIIII International Oral History Conference - Dancing with Memory, Sydney, 10 pp. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/6017/1/6017_1.pdf

MATTHEWS-DENATALE, Gail (2008), «Digital Storytelling.Tips and Resources», Simmons College, Boston. net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI08167B.pdf

MEADOWS, Daniel (2003), «Digital Storytelling: Research-Based Practice in New Media», Visual Communication, Vol 2(2): 189–193.

SNELSON, Chareen and SHEFFIELD, Annie (2009), «Digital Storytelling in a Web 2.0 World», TCC Proceedings, pp. 159-167.

THURMAN, Neil and LUPTON, Ben (2008), «Convergence Calls. Multimedia Storytelling at British News Websites», Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol 14(4): 439–455.

Interactive Television

BELLMAN Steven et altri (2009) A Comparison of Three Interactive Television Ad Formats, Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol 10 No 1 Fall 2009, 14-34.

CESAR, Pablo and CHORIANOPOULOS Konstantinos (2009), The Evolution of TV Systems, Content, and Users Toward Interactivity, New Publishers Inc.

CESAR, Pablo et altri (eds.) (2009), Social Interactive Television: Immersive Shared Experiences and Perspectives. Hershey (PA), USA: IGI Global Publishing.

European Conference on Interactive Television. Proceedings of the seventh european conference on European interactive television conference 2009, Leuven, Belgium June 03 - 05, 2009

Presentation of the WeonTV project at the Euro ITV 2009 in Leuven - Juin 2009.
A Social TV project from Aveiro University with a partnership with Portugal Telecom.

Broadband Bananas is an online networking portal for the interactive television industry

Changing Television Environments - 6th European Conference, EUROITV 2008, Salzburg, Austria, July 3-4, 2008 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 5066/2008, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008

JENSEN, Jens (2005) Interactive Television: New Genres, New Format, New Content, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 123.
Proceedings of the second Australasian conference on Interactive entertainment, Sydney, Australia. Pages: 89 - 96

Digital TV: A Cringely Crash Course

MOE, Hallvard (2005) Television, Digitalisation and Flow: Questioning the Promises of Viewer Control

Interactive TV (2004)

KATZ, Barbara (2003) Development and Current Issues of Interactive Television in the UK

QUICO, Célia (2000), INTERACTIVE TELEVISION: A NEW MEDIA INDUSTRY IN PORTUGAL? - analisys of the current and future developments of products and services

JENSEN, Jens (1998) ‘Interactivity’ - Tracking a New Concept in Media and Communication Studies I: Nordicom Review. 1998 ; vol. 12, nr. 1.


Digital and Media Literacy

Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action. A White Paper on the Digital and Media Literacy Recommendations of the Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy (Renee Hobbs, The Aspen Institute, 2010)


Digital environments (politics, social networks)

Linda Jean Kenix (2008), «Nonprofit Organizations' Perceptions and Uses of the Internet», Television New Media, 2008; 9.

Matthew Hindman (2008), «The Internet and the "Democratization" of Politics»

Natalie Fenton (2008) «Mediating solidarity», Global Media and Communication; 4; 37-57.

Weiwu Zhang et altri (2010) «The Revolution Will be Networked. The Influence of Social Networking Sites on Political Attitudes and Behavior». Social Science Computer Review. Volume 28 Number 1, February 2010 75-92.

Wilson Gomes et altri (2009) «Politics 2.0: a campanha online de Barack Obama em 2008». Revista de Sociologia e Política, vol.17 no.34 Curitiba.

Zuñiga et altri (2009) «Weblogs, traditional sources online and political participation: an assessment of how the internet is changing the political environment». New media & society, Vol 11(4): 553–574.


Media, Jornalismo e Democracia

III Seminário Internacional «Media, Jornalismo e Democracia»
FCSH, 8 e 9 de Novembro. Ver Programa.


NOS cerrará su web

La televisión pública holandesa cerrará su web para no "dañar a los diarios" (El Mundo, 3.11)

Active audiences

BENKLER, Yochai (2000) «From Consumers to Users: Shifting the Deeper Structures of Regulation Toward Sustainable Commons and User Access». http://www.law.indiana.edu/fclj/pubs/v52/no3/benkler1.pdf

ORTEGA, Sergio; (2007). «Evolución del perfil del usuario: Usuarios 2.0», En: No Solo Usabilidad,nº6. http://www.nosolousabilidad.com/articulos/usuario20.htm

HARRISON, Teresa e BARTHEL, Brea(2009) «Wielding new media in Web 2.0: exploring the history of engagement with the collaborative construction of media products». New Media Society; 11; 155

SUNDET, Vilde e YTREBERG, Espen (2009) «Working Notions of Active Audiences. Further Research on the Active Participant in Convergent Media Industries». Convergence; 15; 383.

AYERDI e URETA (2010) Cambios en las estrategias de las audiencias de las páginas web de televisión. Análisis de la participación en los entes públicos autonómicos en España. http://campus.usal.es/~comunicacion3punto0/comunicaciones/070.pdf

LIVINGSTONE, Sonia (2008), «Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation: teenagers’ use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and selfexpression», new media & society, Vol10(3):393–411.

PETER, Jochen, VALKENBURG Patti M. (2008) «Adolescents’ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Internet Material, Sexual Uncertainty, and Attitudes Toward Uncommitted Sexual Exploration. Is There a Link?», Communication Research, Volume 35 Number 5, October 2008, pp. 579-601.

MEHRA, Barat, et altri (2004), «The internet for empowerment of minority and marginalized users», new media & society, Vol6(6):781–802.

DEIGHTON, J.A. and KORNFELD, L. (2007) «Digital interactivity: unanticipated consequences for markets, marketing and consumers», Working Paper 08-017, Harvard Business School. http://www.hbs.edu/research/pdf/08-017.pdf

New MEDIA programme (public consultation)

We are pleased to invite you to respond to this public consultation conducted by the European Commission (Directorate General for Education and Culture) on a future EU programme for support of the European audiovisual sector after 2013 (referred to as the "new MEDIA programme").



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