PLUNC - New Media and Digital Art Festival
PLUNC | New Media and Digital Art Festival. Lisbon, 24 - 27 September. FESTIVAL DE ARTES DIGITAIS E NOVOS MEDIA. LISBOA - ALMADA.
Web Summit 2016 in Lisbon
“Lisbon is emerging as a genuinely new tech ecosystem in Europe, with Berlin-levels of cheapness but with Southern European weather” (Mike Butcher)
Paddy Cosgrave: Why I moved the Web Summit to Lisbon
The Web Summit is moving to Lisbon. Web Summit ditches Dublin for Lisbon
Paddy Cosgrave: "É possível" o próximo Facebook nascer em Lisboa
O wi-fi em Lisboa ganha a Dublin por cinco razões
Paddy Cosgrave: Why I moved the Web Summit to Lisbon
The Web Summit is moving to Lisbon. Web Summit ditches Dublin for Lisbon
Paddy Cosgrave: "É possível" o próximo Facebook nascer em Lisboa
O wi-fi em Lisboa ganha a Dublin por cinco razões
Digital ID
Peter Nagy e Bernadett Koles (2014), The digital transformation of human identity: Towards a conceptual model of virtual identity in virtual worlds, Convergence - The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 20 (3): 276-292
Julia Knight and Alexis Weedon (2014), Identity and social media, Convergence 2014 20: 257.
Clare Sullivan (2011) Digital Identity: an emergent legal Concept. The role and legal nature of digital identity in commercial transactions. The University of Adelaide.
Lisa J. Orchard and Chris Fullwood (2010) Current Perspectives on Personality and Internet Use. Social Science Computer Review 2010 28: 155
Thomas J. Holt (2010), Examining the Role of Technology in the Formation of Deviant Subcultures. Social Science Computer Review 2010 28: 466
Natasha Whiteman (2009), The De/Stabilization of Identity in Online Fan Communities. Convergence 2009; 15; 391-410.
Fred Dervin e Tanja Riikonen (2009) ‘Whatever I am, wherever I am, how does it matter?... why does it matter?’ egocasting in-between identities.
Fred Dervis e Yasmine Abbas (2009) Digital technologies of the self -Introduction. http://www.cambridgescholars.com/download/sample/58537
Linda Duits and Pauline van Romondt Vis (2009) Girls make sense : Girls, celebrities and identities. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2009 12: 41.
David Buckingham (2008) (Ed.) Youth, Identity, and Digital Media. The MIT Press,
David Buckingham (2008) «Introducing Identity». The MIT Press.
Patti M. Valkenburg (2008), Adolescents' Identity Experiments on the Internet Consequences for Social Competence and Self-Concept Unity. Communication Research, Vol. 35, No. 2, 208-231.
Mark Deuze et altri (2007) The Professional Identity of Gameworkers, Convergence 2007; 13; 335
Helen Kennedy (2006), Beyond anonymity, or future directions for internet identity. New Media & Society December 2006 vol. 8 no. 6 859-876. https://www.academia.edu/1994445/Beyond_anonymity_or_future_directions_for_internet_identity_research
Woo, Jisuk (2006) The right not to be identified: privacy and anonymity in the interactive media environment. new media & society, Vol 8(6):949–967
Ian M. Clothier (2005), Created Identities: Hybrid Cultures and the Internet. Convergence 2005; 11; 44
Minna Aslama (2009), «Participation as Position and Practice: Rethinking Media Diversity and Policy in the Web 2.0 Era», The Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, Fordham University, NY, 19 p.
Philip M. Napoli (2008), «Diversity as an Emerging Principle of Internet Governance», The Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, Fordham University, NY, 34 p.
Tarlach McGonagle (2008) The Promotion of Cultural Diversity via New Media Technologies: An Introduction to the Challenges of Operationalisation. http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus6_2008.pdf.en
Tim Gardam (2008), “The Purpose of Plurality”, in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf
James Curran (2008), “Media Diversity and Democracy”, in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf
Petros Iosifidis (2008), "Plurality of Public Service Provision: A European Dimension". in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf
Julia Knight and Alexis Weedon (2014), Identity and social media, Convergence 2014 20: 257.
Clare Sullivan (2011) Digital Identity: an emergent legal Concept. The role and legal nature of digital identity in commercial transactions. The University of Adelaide.
Lisa J. Orchard and Chris Fullwood (2010) Current Perspectives on Personality and Internet Use. Social Science Computer Review 2010 28: 155
Thomas J. Holt (2010), Examining the Role of Technology in the Formation of Deviant Subcultures. Social Science Computer Review 2010 28: 466
Natasha Whiteman (2009), The De/Stabilization of Identity in Online Fan Communities. Convergence 2009; 15; 391-410.
Fred Dervin e Tanja Riikonen (2009) ‘Whatever I am, wherever I am, how does it matter?... why does it matter?’ egocasting in-between identities.
Fred Dervis e Yasmine Abbas (2009) Digital technologies of the self -Introduction. http://www.cambridgescholars.com/download/sample/58537
Linda Duits and Pauline van Romondt Vis (2009) Girls make sense : Girls, celebrities and identities. European Journal of Cultural Studies 2009 12: 41.
David Buckingham (2008) (Ed.) Youth, Identity, and Digital Media. The MIT Press,
David Buckingham (2008) «Introducing Identity». The MIT Press.
Patti M. Valkenburg (2008), Adolescents' Identity Experiments on the Internet Consequences for Social Competence and Self-Concept Unity. Communication Research, Vol. 35, No. 2, 208-231.
Mark Deuze et altri (2007) The Professional Identity of Gameworkers, Convergence 2007; 13; 335
Helen Kennedy (2006), Beyond anonymity, or future directions for internet identity. New Media & Society December 2006 vol. 8 no. 6 859-876. https://www.academia.edu/1994445/Beyond_anonymity_or_future_directions_for_internet_identity_research
Woo, Jisuk (2006) The right not to be identified: privacy and anonymity in the interactive media environment. new media & society, Vol 8(6):949–967
Ian M. Clothier (2005), Created Identities: Hybrid Cultures and the Internet. Convergence 2005; 11; 44
Minna Aslama (2009), «Participation as Position and Practice: Rethinking Media Diversity and Policy in the Web 2.0 Era», The Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, Fordham University, NY, 19 p.
Philip M. Napoli (2008), «Diversity as an Emerging Principle of Internet Governance», The Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, Fordham University, NY, 34 p.
Tarlach McGonagle (2008) The Promotion of Cultural Diversity via New Media Technologies: An Introduction to the Challenges of Operationalisation. http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus6_2008.pdf.en
Tim Gardam (2008), “The Purpose of Plurality”, in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf
James Curran (2008), “Media Diversity and Democracy”, in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf
Petros Iosifidis (2008), "Plurality of Public Service Provision: A European Dimension". in The Price of Plurality. Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age. Edited by Tim Gardam and David A. L. Levy. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/reviews-investigations/psb-review/psbplurality.pdf
O desafio da autenticidade na era da globalização
Conferência de Pedro Brieger, vencedor do Prémio de jornalismo Hrant Dink, na FCSH/NOVA, 24 de setembro, 10h30, Auditório 1, Torre B. A maioria da informação que hoje circula no mundo, e especificamente na América Latina e no Caribe, é gerada por um conjunto restrito de agências europeias e norte-americanas. Os mais influentes órgãos de comunicação social cobrem frequentemente a atualidade internacional com base no fluxo de notícias das agências EFE, DPA, AFP, Reuters ou ANSA. Uma das questões centrais na era da Globalização é perceber se essa realidade informativa pode ser transformada pela difusão de conteúdos produzidos regionalmente que reflitam a idiossincrasia dos respetivos povos. Mais info
Going Local Portugal 2015
Going Local Portugal 2015 é dedicado à Estratégia Digital Single Market, e terá lugar no dia 18 de setembro na Representação da Comissão Europeia, em Lisboa. Iniciativa coorganizada pela FCT, IP e pela Comissão Europeia, faz parte de um exercício de debate a nível europeu que ocorre em todos os Estados Membros da União Europeia e visa identificar sinergias entre a agenda política europeia e as prioridades nacionais na área das políticas públicas da Sociedade da Informação, através de um debate junto dos stakeholders nacionais, governos, as comunidades técnica e académica, o setor privado e a sociedade civil. Programa
Digital Literacy: Policies, Research and Good Practices (CfP)
The conference (10th December 2015 –University of Padua) will address the issue of digital literacy by focussing on three main areas: (1) Policies that promote the development of these skills; (2) Research on the necessary skills for efficiently engaging in digital environments in an informed manner; (3) Experiences and best practices related to the teaching and strengthening of the skills needed for the critical use of digital resources. Call for Papers
II Congress on Net-Activism (call for papers)
The contemporary ecological cultures, sustainability practices, and digital activism movements that, through ways of non-institutional conflictuality carried out by interactions with social networks, marked the continuing protests at all latitudes, are the expression of a new type of social action no longer directed to the external, and not only stems from a practice caused by an informative and technical conditioning. The II International Congress on Net-Activism aims to discuss this new kind of inter-action and conflict, indicating by “net-activism” the set of collaborative actions that result from the synergy between actors that are not only humans, but also of different natures. Call for papers
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