Multimodal Communication: Language, Performance and Digital Media
The Conference is organized in the framework of TKB research project conclusion (http://tkb.fcsh.unl.pt) and aims to: present the results and software tools developed during the TKB project; provide a multidisciplinary forum for researchers from different disciplines and artists interested in the documentation of Performing Arts (with a focus on contemporary theatrical dance and Performance), as well as in issues of multimodality in human communication and in human-computer interaction, particularly regarding video annotation tools and collaborative platforms for cultural heritage. It is organized by the FCSH and the FCT of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. Deadline for abstract submission (400 to 700 words limit): 15 February 2013. More info: http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/eventos/multimodal-communication-language-performance-and-digital-media