The European Graduate Programme is Sony's two year programme which combines business experience, training modules, mentoring and social entrepreneurship. Our European Graduate Programme (EGP) is recruiting young business professionals who want to join our continuous drive for innovation and be inspired by what they do. From day one you will be collaborating on projects and contributing to current business strategy within experienced teams. We will give you the opportunity to progress and succeed, and in return we want you to make the most of it. That means taking personal responsibility for making a real and visible contribution to the company as well as to your own career.With businesses specialising in electronics, music, pictures, gaming and mobile communications, Sony is uniquely positioned to create exciting new digital entertainment experiences. More info.
Conferências DCC/FCSH
Mark Kramer - Jornalismo Narrativo - 7 de Novembro, Auditório 2, às 18h
Mark Kramer é director da conferência anual The Power of Narrative. Entre 2001 e 2007 fundou e dirigiu o programa de Jornalismo Narrativo no Programa Nieman na Universidade de Harvard, onde também foi escritor residente. O seu trabalho foi publicado na revista do The New York Times, na National Geographic, na Atlantic Monthly, entre outros. É co-autor de dois importantes manuais sobre escrita de não-ficção: Telling True Stories e Literary Journalism e autor de quatro livros de não-ficção: Mother Walter and the Pig Tragedy, Three Farms,Invasive Procedures e Travels with a Hungry Bear.
Jorge Fernandes - Standards de Usabilidade e Acessibilidade Web, no âmbito do mestrado Novos Media e Práticas Web. Jorge Fernandes é coordenador da Unidade Acesso da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). A conferência realiza-se também no dia 7 de Novembro, 5ª feira, às 18.30, na Sala Multiusos 3, piso 4 do Edifício ID da FCSH/UNL.
Implicações jurídicas das redes sociais na Internet
“Implicações jurídicas das redes sociais na Internet: um
novo conceito de privacidade?” - Joana Veríssimo, Maria Macias, Sofia Rodrigues.
(Trabalho da disciplina Direito da Comunicação 2011-12, Mestrado em Direito - UNL).
Google Spain SL, Google Inc./ Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) - Conclusões do advogado-geral no processo C-131/12
Google Spain SL, Google Inc./ Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) - Conclusões do advogado-geral no processo C-131/12
Converged Media (Policies)
Alexander Scheuer (2013) - Convergent
Devices, Platforms and Services for Audiovisual Media. http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus3LA_2013.pdf.en
Francisco Javier Cabrera Blázquez (2012) - Towards a
New Cinema Communication. http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus3LA_2012.pdf.en
Nico van Eijk
(2011) - Net Neutrality and Audiovisual Services. http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus5LA_2011.pdf.en
Meike Ridinger (2009) - The Public Service Remit and the New Media. http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus6_2009.pdf.en
From one second to the next
Werner Herzog's documentary. With the rise of cell phones has come a deadly new menace on the roads, texting while driving.
Digital Future Project Report
The Center for the Digital Future has released the 11th Digital Future Project Report. The longest-running study of its kind, this year's project includes findings on more than 180 subjects in five major subject areas that explore the views and behavior of Internet users and non-users.
The 2013 report features new questions about negative online attention (bullying, harassment, and unwanted sexual attention), the impact of mobile devices, and a closer examination of the "Millennial Rift" -- the vast differences between how Millennials (age 18-34) and non-Millennials use online sites and services.
The full Digital Future Report: here.
Press release: here.
USA Today's coverage findings about parental supervision of children while on social media websites is here.
The Associated Press coverage of findings that explore personal views about privacy while online, which appeared in more than 500 media outlets, is here.
The 2013 report features new questions about negative online attention (bullying, harassment, and unwanted sexual attention), the impact of mobile devices, and a closer examination of the "Millennial Rift" -- the vast differences between how Millennials (age 18-34) and non-Millennials use online sites and services.
The full Digital Future Report: here.
Press release: here.
USA Today's coverage findings about parental supervision of children while on social media websites is here.
The Associated Press coverage of findings that explore personal views about privacy while online, which appeared in more than 500 media outlets, is here.
The Value of User-Generated Content
Report for Ofcom: The Value of User-Generated Content - 21 June 2013 PDF Document
Online video killed the TV star
Online video will be more popular than Facebook and Twitter by 2017
Meet Melanie Witkower, the future of social TV
Cord-Cutters Lop Off Internet Service More Than TV
Streaming video killed the cable star
Netflix wants to spend up to 15 percent of its content cash on originals
TV Networks Play to 'Second Screen'
Meet Melanie Witkower, the future of social TV
Cord-Cutters Lop Off Internet Service More Than TV
Streaming video killed the cable star
Netflix wants to spend up to 15 percent of its content cash on originals
TV Networks Play to 'Second Screen'
Public Services Online
Public Services Online:‘Digital by Default or by Detour?’ Assessing User Centric eGovernment performance in Europe – eGovernment Benchmark 2012.
Facebook Likes predict highly sensitive personal attributes
Private traits and attributes are predictable from digital records of human behavior (Michal Kosinski, David Stillwell and Thore Graepel): We show that easily accessible digital records of behavior, Facebook Likes, can be used to automatically and accurately predict a range of highly sensitive personal attributes including: sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious and political views, personality traits, intelligence, happiness, use of addictive substances, parental separation, age, and gender.
Adapting Public Service to the Multiplatform Scenario
Adapting Public Service to the Multiplatform Scenario: Challenges, Opportunities and Risks. The Final Report of the Project Redefining and Repositioning Public Service Broadcasting in the Digital and Multiplatform Scenario: Agents and Strategies (2012), written by Roberto Suárez Candel, has been published in the series "Working Papers of the Hans Bredow Institute" (Arbeitspapiere des Hans-Bredow-Instituts) and can be downloaded as pdf-file (2.2 MB).
Breaking News
Breaking News. Mastering the art of disruptive innovation in journalism. By Clayton M. Christensen, David Skok, and James Allworth
Clay Christensen: First the media gets disrupted, then comes the education industry
From post-industrial to post-journalism
Five Tips for Journalists Doing Data Visualization
Clay Christensen: First the media gets disrupted, then comes the education industry
From post-industrial to post-journalism
Five Tips for Journalists Doing Data Visualization
Coming and Going on Facebook
Coming and Going on Facebook by Lee Rainie, Aaron Smith, Maeve Duggan (Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project): Two-thirds of online American adults (67%) are Facebook users, making Facebook the dominant social networking site in this country. And new findings from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project indicate there is considerable fluidity in the Facebook user population.
Santander e Nova premeiam excelência no jornalismo económico
O Santander Totta e a Universidade Nova de Lisboa apresentam a 7ª edição do PJE (Prémio de Jornalismo Económico). O objetivo é premiar a excelência de trabalhos jornalísticos publicados em Portugal nas áreas de Gestão de Empresa e Negócios, Mercados Financeiros e Sustentabilidade Empresarial. O grande prémio, no valor de 15 mil euros, será entregue ao melhor trabalho concorrente às três áreas. Os autores dos melhores artigos de cada área receberão ainda 7.500 euros. O prémio é aberto a todos os jornalistas com trabalhos publicados em 2012, que se podem candidatar até 20 de março. Mais info: http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/media/noticias/destaques/premio-de-jornalismo-economico-1
How Epagogix shape our world
Advanced Artificial Intelligence in combination with proprietary expert process enables Epagogix to provide studios, independent producers and investors with early analysis and forecasts of the Box Office potential of a script. Clients then make evidenced decisions about whether or not to spend their scarce capital, adjust budgets, or to increase the Box Office value of the property. After script analysis, Epagogix can help the client to significantly enhance Box Office potential.
Digital Memory and the Archive
The volume of Wolfgang Ernst writings Digital Memory and the Archive is out! (...) Ernst is one of the significant names in the German media studies landscape, and represents one of the directions where theory is going in the post-Friedrich Kittler world (see Geoffrey Winthrop-Young: Kittler and the Media, Polity Press, 2011)
Multimodal Communication: Language, Performance and Digital Media
The Conference is organized in the framework of TKB research project conclusion (http://tkb.fcsh.unl.pt) and aims to: present the results and software tools developed during the TKB project; provide a multidisciplinary forum for researchers from different disciplines and artists interested in the documentation of Performing Arts (with a focus on contemporary theatrical dance and Performance), as well as in issues of multimodality in human communication and in human-computer interaction, particularly regarding video annotation tools and collaborative platforms for cultural heritage. It is organized by the FCSH and the FCT of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. Deadline for abstract submission (400 to 700 words limit): 15 February 2013. More info: http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/eventos/multimodal-communication-language-performance-and-digital-media
Digital Media Doctoral Scholarships
- Aberto o Concurso 2013 para atribuição de Bolsas de Doutoramento no âmbito do Programa UT Austin|Portugal, nas áreas de: Digital Media e Computação Avançada. Data limite para candidaturas: 28 de Fevereiro de 2013. http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/utaustin_doutoramento2013.phtml.pt
- Call for Doctoral Scholarships for the UT Austin|Portugal Program in the following research fields: Digital Media, Advanced Computing. Application's deadline: 28th February 2013. http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/utaustin_doutoramento2013.phtml.en
- Edital: http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/docs/UTAustin_EditalBolsas2013PT.pdf Link para proceder à candidatura: https://concursos.fct.mctes.pt/bolsas/
- Call for Doctoral Scholarships for the UT Austin|Portugal Program in the following research fields: Digital Media, Advanced Computing. Application's deadline: 28th February 2013. http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/utaustin_doutoramento2013.phtml.en
- Edital: http://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/docs/UTAustin_EditalBolsas2013PT.pdf Link para proceder à candidatura: https://concursos.fct.mctes.pt/bolsas/
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