
Participatory Culture

BEER, David (2009), «Power through the algorithm? Participatory web cultures and the technological unconscious», New Media & Society, Vol 11(6): 985–1002

BENKLER, Yochai e NISSENBAUM, Helen (2006), «Commons-based Peer Production and Virtue», The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 14, Number 4, 394–419.

BRUNS, Axel (2007), «The Future Is User-Led: The Path towards Widespread Produsage», 10 pp. http://produsage.org/files/The%20Future%20Is%20User-Led%20(PerthDAC%202007).pdf

CARPENTIER, NICO (2009), «Participation Is Not Enough. The Conditions of Possibility of Mediated Participatory Practices», European Journal of Communication, Vol 24(4): 407–420.

DENA, Christy (2008), «Emerging Participatory Culture Practices. Player-Created Tiers in Alternate Reality Games». Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol 14(1): 41–57

DEUZE, Mark (2008), «Corporate Appropriation of Participatory Culture». In: Carpentier, N., Livingstone, S. (eds.), Participation and Media Production: Critical Reflections on Content Creation, pp.27-40. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishers.

EVERITT, Dave e MILLS, Simon (2009), «Cultural anxiety 2.0», Media, Culture & Society, Vol. 31(5): 749–768.

HARRISON, Teresa M. e BARTHEL, Brea (2009), «Wielding new media in Web 2.0: exploring the history of engagement with the collaborative construction of media products», New Media & Society, Vol11(1&2): 155–178.

JENKINS, Henry et altri (2009), Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century. Cambridge:The MIT Press. http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/chapters/Confronting_the_Challenges.pdf

NAPOLI, Philip M. (2009), «Navigating Producer-Consumer Convergence: Media Policy Priorities in the Era of User-Generated and User-Distributed Content», Donald McGannon Communication Research Center, 29 pp. http://www.fordham.edu/images/undergraduate/communications/navigating%20producer-consumer%20convergence.pdf

PICKARD, Victor W., (2008), «Cooptation and cooperation: institutional exemplars of democratic internet technology», New Media Society 2008; 10; 625-645.

VAN DIJCK, José e NIEBORG, David (2009) «Wikinomics and its discontents: a critical analysis of Web 2.0 business manifestos, New Media & Society», Vol 11(5): 855–874.