
Da invisibilidade de Salazar à presencialidade de Caetano. Sobre os media, a televisão e a ditadura em Portugal

2. Cádima, F. R. (2019). Da invisibilidade de Salazar à presencialidade de Caetano. Sobre os media, a televisão e a ditadura em Portugal. Media & Jornalismo, v. 19 n. 35, pp. 197-209. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336826181_Da_invisibilidade_de_Salazar_a_presencialidade_de_Caetano_Sobre_os_media_a_televisao_e_a_ditadura_em_Portugal


Human Capital in the Digital Environment

Human Capital in the Digital Environment 2019 Report: In the absence of a formal education system that is not keeping pace with the increasingly digitised world, the digital talent shortage is becoming increasingly acute, driving the skill gap ever wider.


Digital Media_References

Cádima, F. R. (Suggested texts):

--Media, diversity and globalisation in the digital age. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320992499_Media_diversity_and_globalisation_in_the_digital_age

--El control de Internet y de las “voces liberadas” en la emergencia del paradigma digital

--Journalism at the crossroads of the algorithmic turn. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325219719_Journalism_at_the_crossroads_of_the_algorithmic_turn

-- A Rede na Estratégia da Aranha: “Pós-verdade”, Política e Regressão. Observatorio (OBS*) Special Issue: As Formas Contemporâneas dos Conflitos e das Apostas Digitais. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328602612_A_Rede_na_Estrategia_da_Aranha_Pos-verdade_Politica_e_Regressao

-- Uma análise do website da RTP e os ‘novos serviços audiovisuais’ da televisão pública”. In Cádima, F. R. (Org.). Diversidade e Pluralismo nos Média. Lisboa: ICNOVA, pp. 93-108.

-- Revisão do problema da Legitimação do PSM no contexto digital”. In Cádima, F. R. (Org.). Diversidade e Pluralismo nos Média. Lisboa: ICNOVA, pp. 129-140.

--Novos usos e desafios para os videojogos: streaming, questões de género e assédio online.

-- O (des)controlo da Internet: para uma história da Darknet

--O (des)controlo da Internet: bad bots, astroturfing e flogging

--Media, Cidadania, Big Data

--Sobre a Era Digital: do analógico ao “algorithmic turn

--Novas convergências digitais: media, humanidades e artes

--A Google, o sistema de media e a agregação de informação

--O Facebook, as redes sociais e o direito ao esquecimento

--Política, Net e Cultura Participativa


Internet Trends 2019

Everything happening on the internet in 2019 (Mary Meeker 2019 Internet Report):

In 2010, TV took up 43% of our media attention and an equal 43% of ad dollars.
In 2010, mobile took up 8% of our media attention and 0.5% of ad dollars.

In 2018, TV took up 34% of our attention and a still-equal 34% of ad dollars.
In 2018, mobile took up 33% of our attention and an equal 33% of ad dollars.


Facebook's Libra

Facebook Will be the Paypal of Crypto. Project Libra will launch soon and it will instantly change the intersection of chat and payments (Medium).


Weapons of mass destruction for democracy (fake news and EU elections)

Networks of Deception (Avaaz Report). "The size and sophistication of these networks makes them weapons of mass destruction for democracy, and right now they are pointed squarely at Europe" (Christoph Schott).

Junk News During the EU Parliamentary Elections: Lessons from a Seven-Language Study of Twitter and Facebook (Oxford Internet Institute).


Televisão pública e diversidade cultural em Portugal

Cádima et al. (2019). “Televisão pública e diversidade cultural em Portugal”. In Cádima, F. R. (Org.). Diversidade e Pluralismo nos Média. Lisboa: ICNOVA, pp. 55-72. http://www.icnova.fcsh.unl.pt/wp-content/uploads/sites/38/2019/04/ICNOVA_Diversidade_Pluralismo_total_v2.pdf


Revisão do problema da Legitimação do PSM no contexto digital

Cádima, F. R. (2019). “Revisão do problema da Legitimação do PSM no contexto digital”. In Cádima, F. R. (Org.). Diversidade e Pluralismo nos Média. Lisboa: ICNOVA, pp. 129-140. http://www.icnova.fcsh.unl.pt/wp-content/uploads/sites/38/2019/04/ICNOVA_Diversidade_Pluralismo_total_v2.pdf

Misinformation during the EU elections

More ways to find authoritative information in Europe (Google)

YouTube will label videos to help European users avoid fake news (Engadget)


Europe takes on the tech giants

Silicon Valley is where the brainiest ideas meet the smartest money. Even so, if you want to understand where the world’s most powerful industry is heading, look not to Washington and California, but to Brussels and Berlin. Our cover this week reports on how the European Union is pioneering a distinct tech doctrine that aims to give individuals control over their own information and the profits from it, and to prise open tech firms to competition. The EU is edging towards cracking the big-tech puzzle in a way that empowers consumers, not the state or secretive monopolies. If it finds the answer, Americans should not hesitate to copy it. (The Economist)

Change your Facebook password ASAP

You need to change your Facebook password right now (Wired UK)

Your Facebook Password Isn’t Safe. Neither Is Your Android Phone (Wired)

Facebook Did Not Securely Store Passwords. Here’s What You Need to Know (NYT)