Google’s On Page Ranking Factors
Google’s On Page Ranking Factors: Are They Fact Or Myth? (SocialMediaToday). If you’re a website owner, one of your primary goals will be to optimize your site to ensure it ranks high on Google in order to increase organic traffic.
Data Science Machine
El ‘big data’ ya no necesita a los humanos (El País). Un software es capaz de realizar predicciones a partir de grandes volúmenes de datos digitales sin intervención humana y en una fracción del tiempo requerido por un analista.
Telegraph stories affected by EU 'right to be forgotten'
When the Court of Justice of the European Union decided in May 2014 that individuals have the right to ask search engines like Google to remove information deemed "inaccurate, inadequate, irrelevant or excessive" from their search results, many warned that it would open the floodgates to an era of mass censorship...Telegraph stories affected by EU 'right to be forgotten'
YouTube is the new children’s TV
Why YouTube is the new children’s TV... and why it matters (The Guardian). Kids are generating billions of video views on the online video service, but it’s raising some talking points for parents
El control de Internet y de las ‘voces liberadas’ en la emergencia del paradigma digital
Cádima, F. R. (2015). “El control de Internet y de las ‘voces liberadas’ en la emergencia del paradigma digital”. Historia y Comunicación Social. Vol 20, número 2, p. 413-425. El control de Internet y de las “voces liberadas” en la emergencia del paradigma digital
Media use by tweens and teens
THE COMMON SENSE CENSUS: MEDIA USE BY TWEENS AND TEENS. Tweens and teens today place an enduring value on two media activities in particular: watching TV and listening to music. Whether downloaded, streamed, or watched or listened to “live,” or whether it comes through a transistor radio, a television set, a tablet, or a smartphone.
Students, Computers and Learning
Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection (Andreas Schleicher, (Director, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills) from OECD Education.
ICTs – The world in 2015
Over the past 15 years, ICTs have grown in an unprecedented way, providing huge opportunities for social and economic development. Today, there are more than 7 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide, up from 738 million in 2000. Globally, 3.2 billion people are using the Internet, of which two billion live in developing countries. ITU ICT Facts and Figures – The world in 2015 (pdf format)
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