‘Big data’ a la velocidad de la luz
La UE invertirá 2.500 millones en el sector de los macrodatos
Autonomous technology and the greater human good
Steve Omohundro (2014) Autonomous technology and the greater human good, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 26:3, 303-315, DOI: 10.1080/0952813X.2014.895111.
The algorithmic turn
William Uricchio (2011). "The algorithmic turn: photosynth, augmented reality and the changing implications of the image". Visual Studies. Volume 26, Issue 1, pp. 25-35. http://web.mit.edu/uricchio/Public/pdfs/pdfs/Algorithmic_Turn.pdf
Philip M. Napoli (2013). "The Algorithm as Institution: Toward a Theoretical Framework for Automated Media Production and Consumption". http://www.fordham.edu/images/undergraduate/communications/the%20algorithm%20as%20institution.pdf
Philip M. Napoli (2014). "On Automation in Media Industries: Integrating Algorithmic Media Production into Media Industries Scholarship". Media Industries Journal 1.1 (2014), pp. 33-38. http://www.mediaindustriesjournal.org/index.php/mij/article/download/14/17
Cádima, F. Rui (2015) Sobre a Era Digital: do analógico ao “algorithmic turn”. Revista FSA, Teresina, v.12, n.2, mar./abr. 2015. ISSN Impresso: 1806-6356. ISSN Eletrônico: 2317-2983. http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/2015.12.2.5
Philip M. Napoli (2013). "The Algorithm as Institution: Toward a Theoretical Framework for Automated Media Production and Consumption". http://www.fordham.edu/images/undergraduate/communications/the%20algorithm%20as%20institution.pdf
Philip M. Napoli (2014). "On Automation in Media Industries: Integrating Algorithmic Media Production into Media Industries Scholarship". Media Industries Journal 1.1 (2014), pp. 33-38. http://www.mediaindustriesjournal.org/index.php/mij/article/download/14/17
Cádima, F. Rui (2015) Sobre a Era Digital: do analógico ao “algorithmic turn”. Revista FSA, Teresina, v.12, n.2, mar./abr. 2015. ISSN Impresso: 1806-6356. ISSN Eletrônico: 2317-2983. http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/2015.12.2.5
Should a Facebook “like” constitute free speech to be protected?
Susan Sarapin & Pamela Morris (2014) When “Like”-Minded People Click: Facebook Interaction Conventions, the Meaning of “Speech” Online, and Bland v. Roberts, First Amendment Studies, 48:2, 131-157.
How Social Media Reduces Mass Political Polarization
Pablo Barberá (2014). "How Social Media Reduces Mass Political Polarization. Evidence from Germany, Spain, and the U.S.". New York University.
Redes sociais reduzem extremismo político.
Redes sociais reduzem extremismo político.
New Problems for Journalism in the Digital Age
Cádima, F. Rui (2014). "New Problems for Journalism in the Digital Age". Understanding communications in the new media era, Aydemir Okay (Ed.). Istanbul: Medialog.
Europa contra Google
David Drummond, Vice-Presidente da Google: “Hemos recibido peticiones de políticos para retirar contenidos”
David Drummond, Vice-Presidente da Google: “Hemos recibido peticiones de políticos para retirar contenidos”
Generación 'firechat'
La generación 'firechat' evade la censura: China bloquea las redes sociales para acallar la 'primavera asiática'
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