The impact of digital technology on users and non-users in the USA
The Center for the Digital Future has released the 12th annual report of the impact of digital technology on users and non-users in the United States. See www.digitalcenter.org
Ofcom publishes consultation on public service broadcasting
Ofcom has today published a consultation on its third review of public service broadcasting. The review examines how the BBC, ITV, STV, UTV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and S4C have fulfilled the purposes of public service broadcasting (PSB). Ofcom published its PSB Annual Report 2014 alongside the PSB review today. A news release can be found here.
Quality of customer services (UK)
Levels of satisfaction with the customer service of fixed line, broadband, mobile and pay TV providers are today reported in new Ofcom research.
Does Twitter promote extremism?
Does Twitter promote extremism, asks Sir Tim Berners-Lee. The design of social networks could influence users’ behaviour for the worse, web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee has suggested.
International Communications Market Report 2014
Ofcom has today published its annual International Communications Market Report 2014, which examines the take-up, availability, price and usage of communications services across the world's major countries, including the UK. The report covers the telecoms, broadcasting and postal sectors.
It is published today alongside Ofcom’s latest European Broadband Scorecard, which compares levels of internet coverage, take-up, usage and choice between European Union states.
Both reports underline the importance of the internet and broadband to UK consumers, businesses and the economy as a whole. A news release is available summarising major findings.
Tim Berners-Lee: Europe's 'right to be forgotten' rule is dangerous
Web founder: Europe's 'right to be forgotten' rule is dangerous. Tim Berners-Lee thinks scrubbing false information off the Web is fine, but the truth should be preserved for reasons of free speech and history.
Novos Media: Consulta Pública
A Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (ERC) prorrogou até 31 de Dezembro o prazo para participação na discussão pública sobre o estudo «Novos Media – Sobre a redefinição da noção de órgão de comunicação social».
O Conselho Regulador da ERC divulga para discussão pública o estudo “Novos Media - Sobre a redefinição da noção de órgão de comunicação social”, tendo como objetivo a auscultação de todos os interessados relativamente à redefinição em estudo. O período de consulta pública termina a 12 de dezembro, devendo os contributos ser encaminhados para consultapublica@erc.pt
O Conselho Regulador da ERC divulga para discussão pública o estudo “Novos Media - Sobre a redefinição da noção de órgão de comunicação social”, tendo como objetivo a auscultação de todos os interessados relativamente à redefinição em estudo. O período de consulta pública termina a 12 de dezembro, devendo os contributos ser encaminhados para consultapublica@erc.pt
Internet Citizens 2014
Ofcom has published Internet Citizens 2014, a report on UK adults’ participation in online content and services which further participation in society or democracy. The research considers the extent and nature of online engagement with Government websites, e-petitions, heath services, public service broadcasting, news, hyperlocal sites, citizen journalism, cultural activity and libraries.
Children’s Digital Day research
Ofcom today published Children’s Digital Day research which shows children are topping up traditional live TV viewing by watching online video clips and catch-up TV. It shows that older children aged 11-15 are watching half the amount of live TV per day as adults (1 hour 32 minutes versus 2 hours 58 minutes). In contrast, older children are spending six times longer than adults watching short online video clips on sites such as YouTube and Vimeo (33 minutes versus 5 minutes). Half (45%) of 11-15 year olds watch online video clips on websites every week compared with 20% of adults.
O Facebook, as redes sociais e o direito ao esquecimento
Cádima, F. R. (2013). "O Facebook, as redes sociais e o direito ao esquecimento". Media & Jornalismo. Lisboa: Mariposa Azual, 2013, V. 12, nº 22, pp. 177-209. ISSN: 1645-5681. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/277556597_O_Facebook_as_redes_sociais_e_o_direito_ao_esquecimento
Data Journalism workshop
Data Journalism workshop, Mark Hansen, Columbia Journalism School. Lisboa, 27-28 Novembro, 2014, 10h-17h
Digital to Overtake TV Ad Spending
Digital to Overtake TV Ad Spending in Two Years, Says Forrester. Digital to Represent 36% of All U.S. Ad Spending by 2019.
The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking
Gabriella Coleman (2012). Coding Freedom - The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking. Princeton University Press
Gabriella Coleman (2013). Anonymous in Context: The Politics and Power behind the Mask. CIGI
Gabriella Coleman (2014). Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. “Easily the best book on Anonymous.” —Julian Assange
Gabriella Coleman (2013). Anonymous in Context: The Politics and Power behind the Mask. CIGI
Gabriella Coleman (2014). Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. “Easily the best book on Anonymous.” —Julian Assange
FIWARE Bootcamp
Do you see yourself like an entrepreneur? Want to learn or improve your FIWARE skills? Studied computer science or know how to code? Are you disruptive at it - or want to be? If yes... The Future Internet is here, in Lisbon: FIWARE Bootcamp + Startup Weekend
Hacia la comunicación transmedia
Fernando Irigaray, Anahí Lovato (2014) (Eds.). Hacia la comunicación transmedia. Rosario : UNR Editora. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
Autonomous technology and the greater human good
Steve Omohundro (2014) Autonomous technology and the greater human good, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 26:3, 303-315, DOI: 10.1080/0952813X.2014.895111.
The algorithmic turn
William Uricchio (2011). "The algorithmic turn: photosynth, augmented reality and the changing implications of the image". Visual Studies. Volume 26, Issue 1, pp. 25-35. http://web.mit.edu/uricchio/Public/pdfs/pdfs/Algorithmic_Turn.pdf
Philip M. Napoli (2013). "The Algorithm as Institution: Toward a Theoretical Framework for Automated Media Production and Consumption". http://www.fordham.edu/images/undergraduate/communications/the%20algorithm%20as%20institution.pdf
Philip M. Napoli (2014). "On Automation in Media Industries: Integrating Algorithmic Media Production into Media Industries Scholarship". Media Industries Journal 1.1 (2014), pp. 33-38. http://www.mediaindustriesjournal.org/index.php/mij/article/download/14/17
Cádima, F. Rui (2015) Sobre a Era Digital: do analógico ao “algorithmic turn”. Revista FSA, Teresina, v.12, n.2, mar./abr. 2015. ISSN Impresso: 1806-6356. ISSN Eletrônico: 2317-2983. http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/2015.12.2.5
Philip M. Napoli (2013). "The Algorithm as Institution: Toward a Theoretical Framework for Automated Media Production and Consumption". http://www.fordham.edu/images/undergraduate/communications/the%20algorithm%20as%20institution.pdf
Philip M. Napoli (2014). "On Automation in Media Industries: Integrating Algorithmic Media Production into Media Industries Scholarship". Media Industries Journal 1.1 (2014), pp. 33-38. http://www.mediaindustriesjournal.org/index.php/mij/article/download/14/17
Cádima, F. Rui (2015) Sobre a Era Digital: do analógico ao “algorithmic turn”. Revista FSA, Teresina, v.12, n.2, mar./abr. 2015. ISSN Impresso: 1806-6356. ISSN Eletrônico: 2317-2983. http://dx.doi.org/10.12819/2015.12.2.5
Should a Facebook “like” constitute free speech to be protected?
Susan Sarapin & Pamela Morris (2014) When “Like”-Minded People Click: Facebook Interaction Conventions, the Meaning of “Speech” Online, and Bland v. Roberts, First Amendment Studies, 48:2, 131-157.
How Social Media Reduces Mass Political Polarization
Pablo Barberá (2014). "How Social Media Reduces Mass Political Polarization. Evidence from Germany, Spain, and the U.S.". New York University.
Redes sociais reduzem extremismo político.
Redes sociais reduzem extremismo político.
New Problems for Journalism in the Digital Age
Cádima, F. Rui (2014). "New Problems for Journalism in the Digital Age". Understanding communications in the new media era, Aydemir Okay (Ed.). Istanbul: Medialog.
Europa contra Google
David Drummond, Vice-Presidente da Google: “Hemos recibido peticiones de políticos para retirar contenidos”
David Drummond, Vice-Presidente da Google: “Hemos recibido peticiones de políticos para retirar contenidos”
Generación 'firechat'
La generación 'firechat' evade la censura: China bloquea las redes sociales para acallar la 'primavera asiática'
The Internet and the State
Michel van Eeten, Milton Mueller and Nico van Eijk (2014). The Internet and the State: A Survey of Key Developments
El videojuego de todos los récords - ‘Destiny’ - que ha costado 380 millones de euros, es el producto cultural más caro de la historia
TV and Media 2014
Changing consumer needs are creating a new media landscape (Ericsson Consumer Insight Summary Report September 2014)
Journalism in Digital Times
Mapping Digital Media: Global Findings
The Global Findings reveal common themes across the world:
- Governments and politicians have too much influence over who owns, operates, and regulates the media.
- Many media markets are rife with monopolistic, corrupt, or untransparent practices.
- It’s not clear where many governments and other bodies get their evidence for changes or updates to laws and policies on media and communication.
- Media and journalism online offer hope of new, independent sources of information, but are also a new battleground for censorship and surveillance.
- Data about the media worldwide are still uneven, unstandardized, and unreliable, and are often proprietary rather than freely accessible.
The Global Findings reveal common themes across the world:
- Governments and politicians have too much influence over who owns, operates, and regulates the media.
- Many media markets are rife with monopolistic, corrupt, or untransparent practices.
- It’s not clear where many governments and other bodies get their evidence for changes or updates to laws and policies on media and communication.
- Media and journalism online offer hope of new, independent sources of information, but are also a new battleground for censorship and surveillance.
- Data about the media worldwide are still uneven, unstandardized, and unreliable, and are often proprietary rather than freely accessible.
¿Es delito el 'hacking ético'? - (I)/(II)
Mercè Molist (2014). Hackstory.es. La historia nunca contada
del underground hacker en la Península Ibérica. http://hackstory.es/ebook/Hackstory%20-%20Merce%20Molist%20Ferrer.pdf
PODER E RESISTÊNCIA NA SOCIEDADE DE CONTROLE. Tese de Mestrado. Univ Federal do ABC. http://murilomachado.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/dissertacao-anonymous.pdf
Dreyfus (1997). Underground. Hacking,
madness and obsession on the electronic frontier. Kew: Mandarin. http://www.underground-book.net/download.php3
UT Austin|Portugal 2014 R&D call
The UT Austin|Portugal Program has released its 2014 call for R&D projects in the following areas:
- Video Games
- Digital Media Content and Tools
- Media Processing and Retrieval
- E-Health
- Emerging Technologies
- Video Games
- Digital Media Content and Tools
- Media Processing and Retrieval
- E-Health
- Emerging Technologies
EuroDIG 2014
Digital society at stake – Europe and the future of the Internet. EuroDIG - European Dialogue on Internet Governance - will take place at the Federal Foreign office of Germany, in the heart of Berlin (12 -13 June 2014). Online registration will only be possible until 6 June 2014. Don’t wait too long we have limited capacity …register here.
O Poder dos Media
Conferência «O Poder dos Media», com a participação especial de Pedro J. Ramirez, fundador e antigo diretor do jornal espanhol El Mundo. Comentário de José Manuel Fernandes (ex-Director do Público) e publisher no Observador. Moderação: António Granado (FCSH-UNL). Na FCSH/NOVA, dia 30 de Abril às 10h, Auditório 1. Mais info: http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/media/eventos/o-poder-dos-media
Printoo reached its funding goal on Kickstarter in 72 hours - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1030661323/printoo-paper-thin-flexible-arduinotm-compatible-m without any media support. However, the response has been overwhelming. Printoo will be featured finally in several major outlets this week. You can watch the still private video on the Blimpoo project to be published on Make Magazine at https://vimeo.com/92349438, password: printoo. During the next three weeks, we will be publishing videos to show how Printoo will make a difference in building everyone’s Internet of Things.
#NEThinking 2014
25 Y 26 DE ABRIL DE 2014. #NEThinking es un foro de singular formato, que permite la reflexión abierta a través de la convivencia en una pequeña isla, con sesiones de participación libre y plenamente consolidado como una cita obligada en la red. Así lo han calificado los miembros de la comunidad #NEThinking, la mayoría de los cuales participan desde la primera edición en este proyecto que va sumando cada vez más seguidores. Descarga el programa y síguenos en directo por streaming: www.nethinking.es Participa a través de Twitter: @NethinkingES #NEThinking2014
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, February 2014; Vol. 20, No. 1: Cultural expression in augmented and mixed reality (eds: Maria Engberg and Jay David Bolter). Table of contents.
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