
Adapting Public Service to the Multiplatform Scenario

Adapting Public Service to the Multiplatform Scenario: Challenges, Opportunities and Risks. The Final Report of the Project Redefining and Repositioning Public Service Broadcasting in the Digital and Multiplatform Scenario: Agents and Strategies (2012), written by Roberto Suárez Candel, has been published in the series "Working Papers of the Hans Bredow Institute" (Arbeitspapiere des Hans-Bredow-Instituts) and can be downloaded as pdf-file (2.2 MB).


Coming and Going on Facebook

Coming and Going on Facebook by Lee Rainie, Aaron Smith, Maeve Duggan (Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project): Two-thirds of online American adults (67%) are Facebook users, making Facebook the dominant social networking site in this country. And new findings from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project indicate there is considerable fluidity in the Facebook user population.

Santander e Nova premeiam excelência no jornalismo económico

O Santander Totta e a Universidade Nova de Lisboa apresentam a 7ª edição do PJE (Prémio de Jornalismo Económico). O objetivo é premiar a excelência de trabalhos jornalísticos publicados em Portugal nas áreas de Gestão de Empresa e Negócios, Mercados Financeiros e Sustentabilidade Empresarial. O grande prémio, no valor de 15 mil euros, será entregue ao melhor trabalho concorrente às três áreas. Os autores dos melhores artigos de cada área receberão ainda 7.500 euros. O prémio é aberto a todos os jornalistas com trabalhos publicados em 2012, que se podem candidatar até 20 de março. Mais info: http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/media/noticias/destaques/premio-de-jornalismo-economico-1


How Epagogix shape our world

Advanced Artificial Intelligence in combination with proprietary expert process enables Epagogix to provide studios, independent producers and investors with early analysis and forecasts of the Box Office potential of a script. Clients then make evidenced decisions about whether or not to spend their scarce capital, adjust budgets, or to increase the Box Office value of the property. After script analysis, Epagogix can help the client to significantly enhance Box Office potential.

Digital Memory and the Archive

The volume of Wolfgang Ernst writings Digital Memory and the Archive is out! (...) Ernst is one of the significant names in the German media studies landscape, and represents one of the directions where theory is going in the post-Friedrich Kittler world (see Geoffrey Winthrop-Young: Kittler and the Media, Polity Press, 2011)