
YouTube. Online Video and Participatory Culture

YouTube. Online Video and Participatory Culture (Jean Burgess and Joshua Green; and Henry Jenkins and John Hartley) Polity, 2009.

YouTube e a Revolução Digital. Como o maior fenômeno da cultura participativa transformou a mídia e a sociedade (Jean Burgess e Joshua Green), Aleph, São Paulo, 2010.

1 billion subscriptions and counting. In fact, there is so much subscription activity that over a billion subscription updates are sent to our users' homepages every week, and 15 YouTube channels have crossed the one million subscriber mark: fred, nigahiga, kassemg, shanedawsonTV, shanedawsonTV2, smosh, universalmusicgroup, machinima, sxephil, mysteryguitarman, davedays, kevjumba, realannoyingorange, raywilliamjohnson, collegehumor and failblog.

Is YouTube the Successor to Television - Or to LIFE Magazine? (Dan Schiller and Christian Sandvig).


Politics 2.0

"Politics 2.0": a campanha online de Barack Obama em 2008. Wilson Gomes; Breno Fernandes; Lucas Reis; Tarcizio Silva. Revista de Sociologia e Política, vol.17 no.34 Curitiba Oct. 2009


Protección de Datos abre un proceso sancionador contra Google (El Pais, 18/10): El trámite se paraliza a la espera de que un juzgado de Madrid resuelva sobre la captación de datos de redes wifi por los coches de Street View. - Artemi Rallo explica que la información almacenada ocupa 13 gigas, como 6.590 volúmenes de 'El Quijote'.


Digital TV; Post Broadcast

Markus Prior (2005), News vs. Entertainment: How Increasing Media Choice Widens Gaps in Political Knowledge and Turnout. http://www.princeton.edu/~mprior/Prior2005.News%20v%20Entertainment.AJPS.pdf

F. Rui Cádima (2009) La era digital. Legitimidad de los medios de comunicación públicos http://sociedadinformacion.fundacion.telefonica.com/DYC/TELOS/REVISTA/DetalleArtculo_83TELOS_AUTINV_Laeradigital/seccion=1271&idioma=es_ES&id=2010051112120001&activo=6.do

Renan Xavier, Juliano Maurício de Carvalho, Patrícia Benetti Ikeda, Gabriela Estefano Reis Cleto (2010) A pesquisa em televisão digital no Brasil – apontamentos sobre o levantamento bibliográfico realizado de 1995-2008 sobre o assunto. http://www.unisinos.br/revistas/index.php/versoereverso/article/view/207

Emili Prado y Matilde Delgado (2010) La televisión generalista en la era digital. Tendencias internacionales de programación. http://sociedadinformacion.fundacion.telefonica.com/seccion=1266&idioma=es_ES&id=2010083011290001&activo=6.do

Núria García-Muñoz y Gemma Larrègola (2010). La TDT en Europa. Modelos de programación. http://sociedadinformacion.fundacion.telefonica.com/seccion=1266&idioma=es_ES&id=2010083012500001&activo=6.do



The Googlization of Everything. How One Company is Disrupting Culture, Commerce, and Community… and Why we Should Worry (a book in progress by Siva Vaidhyanathan)

The Googlization of Everything and the Future of Copyright


Ken Auletta (2010) Google - O fim do mundo como o conhecemos. Porto: Civilização Editora.

John Battelle (2006) The Search. Como o Google mudou as regras do negócio e revolucionou a cultura. Casa das Letras 2006.

Jeff Jarvis (2010) O que faria o Google?, Lisboa: GestãoPlus.


Fred Vogelstein (2009) Keyword: Monopoly. http://www.wired.com/images/press/pdf/googlopoly.pdf


Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age, de Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Delete looks at the surprising phenomenon of perfect remembering in the digital age, and reveals why we must reintroduce our capacity to forget. Digital technology empowers us as never before, yet it has unforeseen consequences as well. Potentially humiliating content on Facebook is enshrined in cyberspace for future employers to see. Google remembers everything we've searched for and when. The digital realm remembers what is sometimes better forgotten, and this has profound implications for us all.

Textos (Literacias, Cidadania, Democracia)

AAVV (2008), Digital Literacy Report: a review for the i2010 eInclusion initiative, Digital Literacy High-Level Expert Group, EU.

GILLMOR, Dan (2004), We the Media. Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People. O’Reilly, (Chapter 1: «From Tom Paine to Blogs and Beyond»)

HERMES, Joke (2006), «Citizenship in the Age of the Internet», European Journal of Communication; 21; 295-309. http://ejc.sagepub.com/content/21/3/295.short

JENSEN, J. L. (2010) «Citizenship 2.0. – changing aspects of citizenship in the age of digital media». http://microsites.oii.ox.ac.uk/ipp2010/system/files/IPP2010_Jensen_Paper.pdf

STARR, Paul (2009), «Goodbye to the Age of Newspapers (Hello to a New Era of Corruption)» The New Republic, March 4, 2009, 28-35. http://www.princeton.edu/~starr/articles/articles09/Starr_Newspapers_3-4-09.pdf
Spanish translation: «Adiós a la era de los periódicos (se inicia una nueva era de corrupción)», Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano, http://www.fnpi.org/fileadmin/documentos/Publicaciones/Adios_era_periodicos.pdf