Egocasting in-between identities
‘Whatever I am, wherever I am, how does it matter?... why does it matter?’ egocasting in-between identities, Fred Dervin e Tanja Riikonen (University of Turku, Finland): « With the contemporary increased physical and virtual hypermobility, the emergence of“inbetween identities” and the number of intercultural narratives have increased immensely. This article is one of the first attempts to examine the construction of identities within the context of egocasting (i.e. broadcasting about one’s self) and intercultural inbetweenness through dialogism. Based on a linguistic dialogic and multivoiced approach to identification, we demonstrate how external voices (one’s own and those of others’) contribute to constructing selves and questioning them in episodes from three podcasts related to the topic of migration and identity.»
Brave New Words (Index on Censorship)
Brave New Words: Volume 39 Issue 1 (March). The internet has not only been a revolution for free speech - it's reinvented censorship. Cyber utopia has brought with it new forms of control - and it's not just authoritarian regimes that are limiting access to what we read and watch.
In this issue Rebecca MacKinnon puts some tough questions to Google, about the fallout from China, Andrei Soldatov examines democracy’s last stand in Russia and internet expert Ron Deibert looks at the new controls on free speech online.
Also don’t miss an exclusive extract from Gurpreet Kaur Batti’s new play and Erik Gandini talking to Index about his award-winning film on the Italian media.
Index on Censorship is the place to turn for free expression news and comment from around the world, providing breaking news, lively debate and in-depth analysis from a team of international contributors. Why not follow Index on Censorship on Facebook and Twitter to keep up-to-date with the latest developments.
In this issue Rebecca MacKinnon puts some tough questions to Google, about the fallout from China, Andrei Soldatov examines democracy’s last stand in Russia and internet expert Ron Deibert looks at the new controls on free speech online.
Also don’t miss an exclusive extract from Gurpreet Kaur Batti’s new play and Erik Gandini talking to Index about his award-winning film on the Italian media.
Index on Censorship is the place to turn for free expression news and comment from around the world, providing breaking news, lively debate and in-depth analysis from a team of international contributors. Why not follow Index on Censorship on Facebook and Twitter to keep up-to-date with the latest developments.
Digital Media Cultures - ESF Conference
Paying Attention: Digital Media Cultures and Generational Responsibility - ESF-LiU Conference: 6-10 September 2010. "Paying Attention" encourages dialogue between researchers from the fields of Cultural and New Media Studies, Education, Communications, Economics, Internet studies, Human Computer Interface Studies, Art and Design. It also seeks the input and insights of creative practitioners exploring critical and alternative uses of new media forms and technologies. Deadline for application: 1 May 2010
Digital Media Handbook
A Society of Professional Journalists publicou a primeira parte de um manual sobre digital media intitulado A SPJ Digital Media Handbook.
Prémio de Jornalismo “Direitos Humanos e Integração”
Prémio de Jornalismo “Direitos Humanos e Integração” atribuído pela Comissão Nacional da UNESCO e pelo Gabinete para os Meios de Comunicação Social. O prazo para apresentação das candidaturas decorre até ao dia 30 de Abril de 2010. Mais info: http://www.gmcs.pt/index.php?op=fs&cid=1229&lang=pt
Google TV
Google and Partners Seek TV Foothold (NYT 17/3): «Google and Intel have teamed with Sony to develop a platform called Google TV to bring the Web into the living room through a new generation of televisions and set-top boxes.»
US broadband plan
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission on Monday unveiled some details of its broadband plan (CNN). The commission plans to use educational programs and an expansion of broadband Internet infrastructure to give 90 percent of Americans high-speed Internet access at home by 2020. Its goal is to give 100 million households access to Internet connections that transfer 100 megabits of data per second. The average U.S. Internet speed today is much slower - only 3.9 megabits per second, according to the Internet monitor Akamai. The U.S. has only the 18th fastest Internet connections in the world, behind countries like South Korea, which leads the world with 14.6 megabit-per-second data transfer rates, Akamai says.
Has Digital Media Changed American Youth?
Has Digital Media Changed American Youth? Katie Davis reports on a convening of researchers who met to discuss the potentials and perils of young people’s digital media activities.
Media, Jornalismo e Democracia (III Seminário Internacional)

O III Seminário Internacional Media, Jornalismo e Democracia, organizado pelo Centro de Investigação Media e Jornalismo (CIMJ), realiza-se nos dias 8 e 9 de Novembro de 2010, em Lisboa, na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova (Avenida de Berna), sendo enquadrado nas Comemorações Oficiais do Centenário da República Portuguesa. As propostas de comunicação devem ser enviadas até dia 31 de Maio.
Effort to Widen U.S. Internet Access
Effort to Widen U.S. Internet Access Sets Up Battle (NYT, 12/3): «The Federal Communications Commission is proposing an ambitious 10-year plan that will reimagine the nation’s media and technology priorities by establishing high-speed Internet as the country’s dominant communication network»
Que fazer com esta televisão?
A Informação ao Serviço da Estação (3): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyPDCq48y7M
Sessão de apresentação da obra de Dinis Manuel Alves, PROMOÇÕES, SILÊNCIOS, DESVIRTUAÇÕES - A Informação ao Serviço da Estação, ocorrida no passado dia 3 de Março, em Coimbra. Mais info: www.mediatico.com.pt
4 Conferências de António Câmara na Culturgest
O Futuro segundo os (y)dreams de António Câmara (ionline, 10/3): Miguel Lobo Antunes convidou, António Câmara aceitou. O CEO da tecnológica YDreams arranca hoje com uma série de quatro conferências na Culturgest, onde vai revelar o que o futuro nos reserva segundo a sua visão. As conferências são gratuitas e decorrem todas as quartas-feiras até ao final de Março, às 18h30. Temas das conferências: Espaços públicos; Inteligência colectiva; Objectos inteligentes; Comunicação em 2050.
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